Page 24 - EDII Report 123
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                                                                          Women Entrepreneurship
                             Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps             Development Programme

                                 66                2961                762          46         327

                                 EACs               Women             Women        PwDs      Enterprise
                              conducted           sensi zed           trained      trained      setup

                            During the quarter, July to September 2023, 12 EACs were conducted with par cipa on
                            of 631 women and PwDs.

                            Addi onally, the project conducted one WEDP at Karanjade, Panvel (Dist. Raigad),
                            where 32 poten al women entrepreneurs were trained under a customized program,
                            equipping  them  with  the  skills  and  knowledge  needed  to  embark  on  their
                            entrepreneurial journey.

                                Par cipants of the Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme with the cer ficate of
                                            programme comple on at Karanjade, Panvel in Dist. Raigad.

                            “Project UDAYA is a beacon of hope, showing the path to entrepreneurship for women
                            and  PwDs  in  Raigad  and  Ratnagiri.  It  is  incredibly  heartening  to  witness  the
                            transforma on  in  these  individuals  as  they  evolve  from  aspiring  entrepreneurs  to
                            successful business owners.”
                                                                        Dr. Prakash Solanki, Project Director

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