Page 20 - EDII Report 123
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          WeACT  (Access  Connect  &  Transform)    Chamber  of  Commerce  for  Women

          Entrepreneurs- CoC

          WeACT is a one-stop pla orm for women entrepreneurs that provides them with handholding assistance to

          render their business compe  ve sustainable. It is an ini a ve conceptualized by Accenture and EDII.  T h e
          pla orm has been able to make significant strides in empowering rural women entrepreneurs through its
          various ini a ves. The last quarter noted the following ac vi es:

          •  In  a  bid  to  empower  rural  women
             entrepreneurs, WeAct organized GST training
             sessions  in  Kanyakumari,  Tamil  Nadu.  30
             enthusias c  women  par cipated  in  the     During  the  quarter,  WeAct  achieved  an
             training to enhance their business acumen.   impressive  total  sales  of  over  Rs.  1,36,000,
             The  sessions  were  skillfully  led  by  Shri  K.   including:
             Sridhar, Deputy Commissioner of State Taxes,
             providing valuable insights and knowledge on   • Rs.  45,000  generated  by  the  WeAct's
             GST compliance. The ini a ve aimed to foster   Corporate  Hamper  Kit,  highligh ng  the
             financial  independence  and  growth            growing demand for sustainable products.
             opportuni es  for  the  par cipa ng  women,
             empowering  them  to  succeed  in  their     • Rs. 10,000 generated by Chetan Group and
             entrepreneurial ventures.                      Yashodhara,  showcasing  innova ve  eco-
                                                            friendly  products  at  the  Accenture's
          •  4  new  websites  have  been  launched  for  its   'Corporate Friends' Exhibi on.
             members, 'A Star Tailoring'; 'Alummaymatha';     • More than Rs. 30,000 generated by the 'Tri-
             'Wellness  Enterprise'  and  'Common
             Livelihood.'  These  pla orms  aim  to  elevate   City Accenture Exhibi on' across Bangalore,
             entrepreneurs'  online  presence  and  brand   Hyderabad, and Chennai.
             visibility, ul mately transla ng into increased   • Rs.  51,000  generated  by  the  WeAct
             sales and sustainable business growth.         Emporium  in  Ahmedabad,  featuring
                                                            products from rural women entrepreneurs.

                                        Entrepreneurs exhibi ng their products at various exhibi ons.

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