Page 27 - EDII Report 123
P. 27


                          ...Project HastKala Setu

                          HastKala  Setu  Yojana,  ini ated  in  September  2020,  has  made  significant  strides  in
                          transforming the lives of handicra  and handloom ar sans in Gujarat. Under the guidance of
                          EDII, the project's primary objec ve is to bolster rural and co age industries, bridging the
                          knowledge and skill gaps among ar sans while introducing modern prac ces to enhance
                          their business prospects.

                          Since its incep on, the project has expanded its reach to cover all 33 districts of Gujarat,
                          sensi zing an impressive 32,423 ar sans. Of these, 17,882 ar sans have been enrolled and
                          have received advanced skill training, need-based domain training, facilita on in promo on
                          and marke ng linkages, and valuable mentorship support. As a result, these ar sans have
                          collec vely generated sales of Rs. 36.87 crores.
                          Across Gujarat, the HastKala Setu Project is revitalizing the tradi onal art and cra  that were
                          once on the brink of ex nc on. During the quarter, the project has observed significant

                            Amazon India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with EDII and the Co age
                            and Rural Industries Department, Government of Gujarat, to help drive e-commerce
                            exports from the state. This collabora on holds tremendous poten al for ar sans and
                            entrepreneurs associated with HastKala Setu Yojana, providing them access to a global
                            marketplace and further expanding their reach.

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