Page 29 - EDII Report 123
P. 29
...Y20 India Brainstorming Session
In the ever-evolving global economy, the role of young minds and the transforma ve
power of technology are cri cal in shaping the future of work. Recognizing this, EDII and
the Research and Informa on System for Developing Countries (RIS) came together to
host the Y20 India Brainstorming Session. The event took place on July 24, 2023, at the
EDII campus with focus on the topic - Exploring the Future of Work: Industry 4.0,
Innova on and 21st Century Skills.
The Y20 India Brainstorming Session served as a dynamic pla orm for the youth of India
to convene and delve into the challenges and opportuni es brought about by
technology in the realm of work. In an era marked by Industry 4.0 and the rapid
advancement of digitaliza on, understanding how to effec vely leverage technologies
is paramount for the development of any na on. This event sought to engage young
minds in discussions and brainstorming sessions, aiming to chart a path towards
harnessing these technologies for the be erment of India's workforce and industries.
Dis nguished Guests of the event- (1st Row, 7th from R) Chief Guest, Shri Hitesh Makwana, Mayor, Gandhinagar, Municipal
Corpora on; (2nd Row, 6th from L) Dr. Pankaj Vashisht, Associate Professor, RIS, and (1st Row, 8th from R) Dr. Sunil Shukla,
Director General, EDII with the par cipants.