Page 26 - EDII Report 123
P. 26


               Sheeba’s Entrepreneurial Journey Inspires Us...

               Small steps lead to mega leaps. The story of Mrs. Sheeba, a beneficiary of Accenture's CSR programme,
               hailing from Manvilagam, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, exemplifies this. Her journey from being a
               housewife  to  becoming  a  successful  entrepreneur  is  a  testament  to  her  indomitable  will  and
               determina on.

               Mrs. Sheeba, a qualified nurse, worked at a hospital in Nagercoil un l she decided to resign a er the
               birth of her child. With her husband working as a mason in Saudi Arabia, she found herself facing
               financial hardships as the sole caregiver for their four-year-old child. Despite the challenges, Mrs.
               Sheeba remained resilient and sought opportuni es to improve her family's income.

               It was during this difficult period that Mrs. Sheeba learned about an opportunity that would change her
               life. She discovered that EDII was conduc ng a one-month free training programme on the making low-
               cost sanitary napkins and hygiene products under Accenture CSR.

               As a former nurse, Mrs. Sheeba was acutely aware of the issues surrounding menstrual hygiene among
               women. She was fuelled with the desire to make a difference. Mrs. Sheeba enrolled for the training
               programme  and  learned  the  art  of  cra ing  low-cost  sanitary  napkins  and  hygiene  products  with
               emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendliness. She created cloth pads as an alterna ve to synthe c,
               non-biodegradable sanitary napkins, reducing environmental pollu on.

               A er the training, Mrs. Sheeba and six of her fellow trainees formed a group. Each member invested Rs.
               10,000,  and  they  established
               'Abi Enterprises'. Their business
               focused on producing low-cost
               sanitary napkins and marke ng
               them in nearby schools, colleges
               and  retail  cloth  stores.  The
               venture proved to be profitable,
               with  each  member  earning  a
               monthly  income  of  Rs.  3,000-

               Mrs.  Sheeba  is  a  mo vated
               e n t r e p r e n e u r   t o d a y ,
               brainstorming  on  ways  to

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