Page 19 - EDII Report 123
P. 19


          •  Awareness campaigns were conducted in collabora on with implemen ng partners to mo vate SHGs
            and Producer Group members to apply for PMEGP loans. In Gajapa  District in Odisha, 21 beneficiaries
            applied for PMEGP loans, with 15 units approved, and 2 units in Honey processing cleared for the first
            phase of PMEGP Loan Disbursal.

          •  Enrollment of 10 SHGs (300 members) from MSDP, onto the WeAct pla orm was accomplished and
            support was extended for packaging ini a ves, such as Cow Dung Agarba  Packaging.

          •  Training  was  conducted  for  150  rural  women  in
            Baranga  village  through  MSDP.  These  women
            established  the  CIWANI  Mushroom  Producer
            Company, which was registered under the Socie es
            Registra on Act with the support of Indian Council
            of  Agricultural  Research-Central  Ins tute  for
            Women in Agriculture (ICAR CIWA) and Agricultural
            Promo on and Investment Corpora on of Odisha
            (APICOL). An inaugural func on was held in August
            2023 with Dr. Mridula Devi, Director, ICAR-CIWA as
            the Chief Guest and in the presence of dignitaries
            including, Mrs. Anjana Panda, Addi onal Secretary,
            Dept. of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment,
            Govt.  of  Odisha  and  Dr.  Sabita  Mishra,  Principal
            Scien st, ICAR-CIWA.

          •  A one-day street exhibi on in Kanyakumari featured
            par cipa on  from  110  MSDP  beneficiaries,
            genera ng  revenue  worth  Rs.  3,000.  Also,  the
            UNNATI  exhibi on  at  the  Accenture  office  in
            Chennai  a racted  around  1,000  visitors  and
            resulted in significant sales.

          •  A workshop on Goods and Service Tax (GST) was
            conducted  in  Kanyakumari,  with  30  beneficiaries
            par cipa ng  to  learn  about  GST  registra on,
            benefits, implica ons and tax regula ons.

          •  A five-day Na onal Training of Trainers’ Programme
            was held at EDII Ahmedabad. It was a ended by 51
            par cipants  from  32  NGOs  and  10  EDII
            Coordinators.  The  programme  focused  on
            enhancing  training  capabili es  for  effec ve
            programme delivery.

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