Page 25 - EDII Report 123
P. 25


            An Inspiring Story...

                                                 Jyotsana ben Navinchandra Leuva, beneficiary of Project HMI,
                                                 hails  from  the  weaving-renowned  village  of  Jamthada  in
                                                 Kutch, a region revered for mul -genera onal weaving legacy.

                                                 Jyotsana  had  always  been  passionate  about  weaving.  She
                                                 expanded  her  range  of  cra s  to  incorporate  Kutch's
                                                 celebrated  hand  embroidery  techniques,  including  Ahir
                                                 embroidery,  Rabari  embroidery  and  Mirror  work.  Her
                                                 childhood  passion  had  evolved  into  her  profession  and
                                                 iden ty.

                                                 In 2020, she joined the HSBC-supported Project HandMade in
                                                 India  (HMI)  and  par cipated  in  various  training  sessions,
                                                 including  New  Design  Color  Combina on  and  Exhibi on
                                                 Awareness Training. Diligently cra ing numerous new design
                                 samples, her dedica on bore fruit when her Marino woollen shawl won first
                                 place in the Handloom-Handicra  State Award 2021 compe  on, following its
                                 submission to the Department of Co age and Village Industries in Gujarat State,

                                 Jyotsana ben Leuva is a successful artpreneur today.

                                  Shri Jagdish Panchal, Minister of State for Micro, Small and Medium Industries, Co age,
                                     Khadi and Rural Industries, Civil Avia on, Government of Gujarat presen ng the
                                    State Award to Jyotsana ben Navinchandra Leuva on Na onal Handloom Day 2023

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