Page 28 - EDII Report 123
P. 28


                      One of the ar sans, Padma Shri
                      Abdul  Gafur  Khatri  received  a
                      cer ficate from the World Book
                      of Records London for crea ng
                      the longest Rogan Art on Fabric,
                      for the G20 Summit. He received
                      this  pres gious  award  at  the
                      hands  of  Shri  Bhupendrabhai
                      Patel,  Hon'ble  Chief  Minister,
                      Government  of  Gujarat.  The
                      ceremony  was  also  graced  by
                      Smt. Smri  Irani, Hon'ble Union
                      Minister  for  Women  and  Child
                      Development  and  Minister  for
                      Minority Affairs of India.

            On  Na onal  Handloom  Day  2023,  Shri
            Balvantsinh  Rajput,  Hon'ble  Cabinet
            Minister of State, Commissioner of Co age
            and Rural Industries, Government of Gujarat
            and Shri Jagdish Panchal, Hon'ble Minister of
            State,  Commissioner  of  Co age  and  Rural
            Industries, Government of Gujarat honored
            30  talented  Ar sans  with  State  Award  for
            their  excep onal  work  in  the  domain  of
            Handloom & Handicra .

                                                                Dr.  Sunil  Shukla,  Director  General,  EDII
                                                                felicitated Padma Shri Awardees, (4th from
                                                                R) Dr. Rajani Kant (GI Technical Expert); (3rd
                                                                from  L)  Shri  Bhanubhai  Chitara  (Mata  ni
                                                                Pachedi)  and  (4th  from  L)  Shri  Paresh
                                                                Rathwa  (Pithora  Pain ng)  for  their
                                                                outstanding  contribu on  in  the  field  of
                                                                handicra , tradi onal cra  and art.

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