Page 21 - EDII Report 123
P. 21


          Kone Elevators and Escalators supported Project AASHRAY

          EDII in collabora on with KONE Elevators & Escalators has embarked on a transforma ve journey through
          its project, 'AASHRAY'. Launched in March 2023 AASHRAY is set to make a meaningful impact on Persons
          with Disabili es (PwD) over the course of one year. The project is set to empower 157 PwDs through
          enterprise crea on and growth programmes. EDII serves as implemen ng and technical agency.

          During  the  quarter,  the  project  implemented  following  ac vi es  to  empower  PwDs  through  skill
          development and entrepreneurship training in the Pune and Nashik districts of Maharashtra:

              •  Awareness  and  sensi za on  workshop  was  held  at  Shelgaon  village  in  Pune  to  sensi ze  and
                promote the programme among the community members. The programme engaged 33 community
                members, inspiring the mobiliza on of beneficiaries for upcoming training batches.

              •  An inaugural programme for Micro Skill Development Programme MSDP at Shelgaon village in Pune
                was organized on 22nd August 2023. The event was graced by KONE CSR and Pune regional teams to
                kickstart the programme. In addi on to EDII and KONE teams, various stakeholders, including the
                Sarpanch, Trainer and local government officials, extended their support.

              A 4-week MSDP training con nued
               ll  18th  of  September.  27
              beneficiaries  were  trained  in
              manufacturing candles, dhoop and
              incense s cks. Along with this, they
              were  mo vated  to  start  their
              e n t e r p r i s e   a n d   s e l l   t h e i r
              homemade  products  in  the  local

                   Beneficiaries at the inaugura on of Micro Skill Development Programme at Shelgaon village in Pune.

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