Page 22 - EDII Report 123
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          SBI Founda on supported Project Swavlamban

          EDII has partnered with SBI Founda on for skill development and training of Persons with Disabili es
          (PwDs) under SBI's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project – Swavlamban. EDII is implementing the
          project in Anand, Kheda, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad and Arvalli districts of Gujarat with the objec ve of
          helping PwD entrepreneurs expand their market reach, thus leading to an increase in their incomes.

          As  part  of  this  ini a ve,  the  Ins tute  recently
                                                                 Under the Swavlamban project, EDII is
          concluded  seven  successful  'Business  Scale-Up
                                                                 commi ed  to  providing  enterprise
          Trainings  for  Exis ng  PwD  Entrepreneurs'.  The
                                                                 promo on  training  to  750  differently-
          programmes  were  conducted  across  4  districts  of   abled  individuals,  comprising  500
          Gujarat  including,  Ahmedabad,  Arvalli,  Kheda  and   individual  entrepreneurs  and  250
          Anand.  183  determined  entrepreneurs  who  were      entrepreneurs  from  Member  Based
          ready to improve their business skills and succeed in   Organiza ons  (MBOs).  To  further
                                                                 strengthen  the  ecosystem  for  PwD
          the  compe  ve  business  landscape  enthusias cally
                                                                 entrepreneurs,  ten  MBOs  will  be
          par cipated  in  these  programmes.  The  training
                                                                 formed, each comprising 25 differently-
          courses  covered  important  topics  including  team   abled entrepreneurs. These MBOs will
          development,  business  scale-up  techniques  and      receive  mentoring  and  support  to
          efficient  business  planning,  giving  par cipants  all-  enhance their networking capabili es,
          comprehensive  informa on  and  abili es  needed  to   expand market reach and gain access to
                                                                 financial resources.

                    Par cipants of the training programme seen with (3rd from L-R) Shri Rakesh Jha, Manager Opera ons,
                      SBI Founda on and Dr. Amit Dwivedi, Project Director & Incharge-Dept. of Projects (Govt.), EDII.

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