Page 18 - EDII Report 123
P. 18


                                                                        2  weavers  of  HMI  Bhuj  cluster
                                                                        p a r   c i p a t e d   i n   a   3 - d ay
                                                                        Interna onal  Folk-Art  Market
                                                                        exhibi on held at Santa Fe - New
                                                                        Mexico, USA. The weavers made
                                                                        a sale of Rs. 8,35,000/-

           During the last quarter following ac vi es were undertaken:
           • Exposure Visit of Maheshwari handloom weavers to the Salem handloom cluster in Tamil Nadu to
             promote collabora on and exchange of knowledge within the handloom weaving community of India.
             Both the cluster weavers shared their experiences and working methods with each other to help them
             new skills, techniques and best prac ces that they can adapt.

           •  As a part of Capacity Building Product Improvement Training in Salem Cluster, Natural Dyeing workshop
             was conducted to make weavers aware of the Natural colours derived from roots and stems of plants,
             bark, leaves, flowers woods, vegetables etc. The weavers would be able to add value to their products
             through the addi on of natural colors.

          Accenture supported Project Skills to Succeed

          Launched in September 2015, the project has been instrumental in empowering youth across 14 states and
          union territories of India through Micro Skillpreneurship Development Programmes. The project's primary
          objec ve is to equip individuals in rural and urban areas with sustainable skills and eco-friendly business
          models, fostering entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability.

           Following ac vi es have been undertaken during the
           quarter, July to September:
                                                                       Innova ve  ini a ves  have  been
                                                                       incorporated  via  hiring  looms  for
          •  A total of 38 group enterprises (22 Women SHGs and 16
                                                                       banana  fiber  weaving;  promo ng
            Producer  Groups)  and  2  individual  enterprises  were
                                                                       cross-selling  among  beneficiaries
            established. Ongoing support was provided to address
                                                                       t h r o u g h   a   B 2 B   m a r ke   n g
            technical  and  machinery  related  issues,  thereby
                                                                       WhatsApp  group,  and  technical
            resolving  opera onal  challenges,  and  enhancing
                                                                       and skill training programmes.
            produc on.

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