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          EDII's CSR collabora ons have touched the lives of 68,950 individuals, including over 10,000 women, across
          23 states, 138 districts, and 741 villages. Noteworthy corporate partnerships include Vedanta Alumina
          Limited (VAL), Accenture, Hindustan Aeronau cs Limited (HAL), HSBC Bank, Tata Communica ons Ltd.,
          Bayer Founda on, HCL Founda on, SBI Foundaton, HP, Walmar, Amazon, IFCI Limited and many more.
          These collabora ons have driven projects focused on micro-enterprise development, skill building, and

          The Ins tute has also spearheaded pioneering government projects. As a Na onal Resource Organiza on
          under the Ministry of Rural Development's StartUp Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP), EDII has
          generated rural livelihood and employment opportuni es in 82 blocks across 15 states. In Southern India,
          EDII's presence has led to the establishment of 3,906 enterprises.

                           Opining at the expanse of ac vi es, Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII, said, “EDII
                           has been successfully recognising opportuni es and offering entrepreneurship and skill
                           development training to ar sans, weavers, women, startups and unemployeds, leading
                           to sustainable livelihood / micro enterprise op ons for them. The Ins tute has been
                           training and orien ng those at the grassroots to set up new enterprises for material and
                           social well-being. I am glad, that with corporates and the government endorsing the
                           power of entrepreneurship, we will con nue to progress with remarkable results".

                            Dr.  Raman  Gujral,  EDII's  Southern  Regional  Director,  opined,  “Eco-friendly  income
                            genera on opportuni es are the need-of-the-hour. So, with this objec ve, we train a
                            diverse  sec on  of  people,  with  special  focus  on  women  to  help  them  iden fy
                            opportuni es,  harness  indigenous  resources,  align  their  skills  with  iden fied
                            opportuni es, and establish sustainable, eco-friendly micro and small enterprises.”

                              As the Ins tute paces on its remarkable journey, bringing about inclusive

                              growth, let's take a look at some of its projects with corporates, over the last
                              three months:

                                      HSBC supported Project HandMade in India (HMI)

                                      Project HandMade in India aims to facilitate sustainable development of
                                      the handloom clusters by building solu ons for value chain improvement,
                                      resolving opera onal challenges, and improving the capacity of weavers
                                      and ar sans in six districts spread across 5 states in India.

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