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                          A Decade of Empowering One Million Entrepreneurs

           EDII, established in 1983, has evolved into a pioneering ins tu on in entrepreneurship educa on, training,
           research, and incuba on. Since its incep on, EDII has transformed entrepreneurship into a preferred
           career choice. Today, EDII func ons across the country and abroad through seven regional offices, six
           interna onal affiliates, and Pan India branch offices.
           EDII's Southern Regional Centre has been a driving force in promo ng entrepreneurship across 18 states
           and 2 union territories in Southern India. With a mission to foster new enterprise crea on, the centre has
           executed over 25 CSR projects and 10 government livelihood genera on projects. These ini a ves have
           been  made  possible  through  partnerships  with  esteemed  organiza ons  such  as  HAL,  ONGC,  ICICI
           Founda on,  Accenture,  and  many  more.  Notable  government  collabora ons  include  the  Sandhya
           Suraksha Yojana (Government of Karnataka) and the Kerala Development and Innova on Strategic Council
           (Government of Kerala).

           On August 31, 2023, EDII's Southern Regional office reached a significant milestone with the inaugura on
           of its new mega office in Bangalore. Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII, inaugurated the office, marking
           a new chapter in the Ins tute's journey towards entrepreneurial empowerment.

           EDII's collabora ons with corporates have resulted in transforma ve projects. These ini a ves encompass
           skill building and new enterprise crea on in sectors such as agro and food processing, handicra s, non-
           farm entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurship, and tourism. These ac vi es have led to the crea on of
           numerous new enterprises, livelihood opportuni es, and employment.

                Seen during the inauguration of the Southern Regional Office: Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII with Dr. Raman Gujral,
                Director- Dept. of Projects (Corporates) and Regional Director-Southern Regional Office, EDII and team EDII, Southern Region.

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