Page 15 - EDII Report 123
P. 15


                            All  21  par cipants  imbibed  deeper  learnings  related  to  entrepreneurship  and
                            innova on. They gained valuable insights into technology transfer and collabora ve
                            expansion opportuni es. Addi onally, they acquired • The ability to create thriving
                            startup ecosystems within their own regions, • Proficiency in commercializing novel
                            products  and  technologies  •  Mastery  in  securing  funding  and  mentorship  for
                            technology-driven startups.

                            Dr. Satya Acharya, the Programme Director, summed up the course's impact sta ng,
                            "Technopreneurship serves as the bridge between innova on and economic progress.
                            This course empowers individuals to construct that bridge, opening doors to boundless
                            possibili es.  In  a  world  increasingly  shaped  by  technology  and  entrepreneurship,
                            ini a ves like these are pivotal in nurturing the next genera on of innovators and

                          Participants Opine…

                             “The course was a game-changer for       “I am grateful to EDII for this valuable
                             me.  It  was  well-organized  and        experience.  I  learned  a  great  deal
                             informa ve, and I learned a great deal   about the startup ecosystem and the
                             about the different aspects of star ng    d i ff e r e n t   w a y s   t o   s u p p o r t
                             and  growing  a  technology-enabled      technopreneurs.  I  also  had  the
                             startup. This was great exposure for     opportunity  to  network  with
                             me.  The  curriculum  was  highly        experienced  technopreneurs.  I  am
                             contemporary. We got to interact with    confident that the knowledge and skills
                             the best of experts in the field. I look   I gained in the course will help me to
                             forward  to  making  a  meaningful       contribute to the development of the
                             contribu on.”                            startup ecosystem in my country.”

                               Mrs. Oluwatosin Abajo from Nigeria       Mr. Abdulbori Saydaliyev from Uzbekistan

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