Page 23 - EDII Report 130
P. 23
Propelling Entrepreneurship in Partnership
with Corporates
In collaboration with Corporates to implement their CSR initiatives, the Institute aims to
drive innovation-led projects that foster inclusive growth. The Institute focuses on
development and enhancement of skills for both potential and existing entrepreneurs,
particularly in emerging sectors like agriculture, food processing, handloom, tourism and
science & technology. The Institute seeks to create meaningful opportunities for
individuals from disadvantaged groups, such as women, SCs/STs, and Persons with
Disabilities (PwDs), through training, mentoring and handholding support.
Women in rural India are immensely accomplished and resourceful but they certainly need
a direction to understand the potential of their skills. Several projects, being implemented
by EDII are aimed at empowering rural women. Project Sankalp, supported by Standard
Chartered Bank focuses on rural women in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and skills them
through customised skill-based entrepreneurship development workshops. In last two
months of December and January, five Micro Skillpreneurship Development Programmes
were held in various district of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Till now, under this programme,
640 women have been trained and 114 micro and small enterprises have been set up.
Participants of Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme at Devrukh under
UDAYA Project.
Similarly, under the Project Udaya, sponsored by Tata Communications Ltd., till date, more
than 6000 women and PwD entrepreneurs have been sensitized through 68
Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes. Out of these, over 1430 potential
entrepreneurs received specialized training and more than 640 trained individuals have
successfully started their micro-enterprises, generating employment for 832 people. Just
over the two months, 30 women were trained and are being handheld to set up new
Propelling Entrepreneurship in Partnership
with Corporates
In collaboration with Corporates to implement their CSR initiatives, the Institute aims to
drive innovation-led projects that foster inclusive growth. The Institute focuses on
development and enhancement of skills for both potential and existing entrepreneurs,
particularly in emerging sectors like agriculture, food processing, handloom, tourism and
science & technology.
Several projects, being implemented by EDII are aimed at empowering rural women,
Persons with Disabilities and other disadvantaged groups. Project Sankalp, supported by
Standard Chartered Bank focuses on rural women in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and trains
them through customised skill-based entrepreneurship development workshops. In last two
months of December and January, five Micro Skillpreneurship Development Programmes
were held in various district of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Till now, under this programme,
640 women have been trained and 114 micro and small enterprises have been set up.
Participants of Women
E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Development Programme
at Devrukh under UDAYA
Similarly, under the Project UDAYA, sponsored by Tata Communications Ltd., till date, more
than 6000 women and PwD entrepreneurs have been sensitized through 68
Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes. Out of these, over 1430 potential
entrepreneurs received specialized training and more than 640 trained individuals have
successfully started their micro-enterprises, generating employment for 832 people.
UDAYA Project beneficiary, Ms.
Uma Kusmude received 'UDHYOG
RATNA' Award from Mahatma
Phule Marathi Sahitya Parishad.
Ms. Kusmude manufactures
premixes & dehydrated vegetable