Page 31 - EDII Report 123
P. 31


                           Agriculture in India con nues to be a significant sector, providing sustenance to a
                           vast  por on  of  the  popula on  and  serving  as  a  founda on  of  the  na on's
                           economic growth. EDII executed an Ins tu onal Development Programme on
                           'Agro-based  Entrepreneurship'  in  collabora on  with  Assam  Agricultural
                           University (AAU), Jorhat, under the aegis of the Na onal Agricultural Higher
                           Educa on Project-World Bank. This programme was a ended by 36 par cipants
                           from various colleges affiliated with Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat and
                           aimed to empower students with essen al skills,   to help them iden fy and
                           analyze agribusiness opportuni es and formulate ac on plans for agricultural
                           ventures.  The  programme  featured  a  dynamic  blend  of  classroom  sessions,
                           prac cal exercises, industry visits, and study tours, providing a comprehensive
                           learning experience.

                           To provide exposure of real-world, the programme included visits to established
                           enterprises in the agribusiness sector like AMULFED Dairy, Rise Hydroponics,
                           Venture Studio and IFFCO Kalol.

                  Par cipants of the ‘Agro-based Entrepreneurship’ Programme with the cer ficate of programme comple on.

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