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Promoting Science & Technology based entrepreneurship
For almost 25 years now, EDII has been working with Department of Science & Technology
(DST), to promote entrepreneurship among various target groups. Youths, women and
faculty-mentors have been primarily focussed upon. During the year, EDII, with the
support of DST, trained youths and women from science & technology background under
Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (TEDPs) and Women
Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (WEDPs). To sustain the momentum, 75
Professors/Faculty members from S&T institutions from across the country, were also
trained under Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs). Dr. Prakash Solanki led the
Women Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (WEDPs)
Under two, Four-week programmes in Vrindavan (U ar Pradesh) and Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
more than 50 women were trained in essen als of entrepreneurship, including idea on, planning,
execu on, and management. Par cipants learnt through classroom sessions, prac cal exercises,
case studies and industrial visits to gain hands-on experience.
Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP)
In Lucknow, U ar Pradesh, a TEDP was organised focussing on computer technology. 30 S&T
graduates a ended the programme which delved into areas such as hardware manufacturing,
semiconductors, so ware development, and IT solu ons.
Faculty Development Programme (FDP)
To develop a professional cadre of faculty in S&T entrepreneurship, a two-week Faculty
Development Programme (FDP) was organized at LNCT University, Bhopal. 30 faculty members
from nine S&T ins tu ons par cipated in the programmes. The programme gave the a dynamic
learning experience and equipped them with necessary skills to foster entrepreneurship within
their academic se ngs.
Faculty Development Programme at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.