Page 33 - EDII Report 123
P. 33


                             "I am delighted to be here today to celebrate the successful comple on of this
                             training programme. Microenterprise facilitators can play a crucial role in bridging
                             this gap and providing micro entrepreneurs with the support and guidance they need
                             to succeed. I am confident that the par cipants of this training programme will now
                             be be er equipped to empower entrepreneurs in their respec ve communi es.”
                                                                                      - Mr. Pawan Somani
                                                              Chief of Mine Development - Adani Enterprise
                                                                             Chief Guest at the Valedic on

                             "This training programme was conducted to support microenterprise development
                             and empower rural communi es. We are grateful to Adani Enterprises Ltd. for their
                             partnership  in  this  ini a ve.  The  par cipants  of  this  training  programme  were  a
                             diverse group of individuals, passionate about making a difference in the lives of micro
                             entrepreneurs. I urge them to leverage the knowledge and skills they have gained to
                             make a no ceable impact in their communi es.”
                                                                     - Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Programme Director

                Trainers Learn the Intricacies of

                Mirco Enterprise Development

                Trained NGO and CSR professionals, with right technical competencies are a pre condi on for new
                enterprise crea on, especially in rural areas. EDII collaborated with Reliance Founda ons Rural
                Transforma on Program to build   technical competencies of CSR and NGO professionals. The
                primary objec ve of the programme was to equip field staff of the Reliance Founda on with
                necessary  skills,  knowledge  and  mindset  to  promote  entrepreneurial  behavior  within  rural
                communi es effec vely.
                Two  training  programmes  of  four-day  each  were  conducted  during  September  5-8,  2023  and
                September  12-15,  2023.  In  all  over  50  professionals  par cipated  from  Madhya  Pradesh,
                Maharashtra,  Telangana,  Rajasthan,  Gujarat,  Odisha,  Andhra  Pradesh  and  Karnataka.  The
                professionals  represented  diverse  domains  including  micro-enterprises,  social  development,
                women's empowerment, livelihood development and various aspects of community development.

                The  programmes  enabled  the  par cipants  to  further  gain  as  well  as  hone  skills  in  effec vely
                ideating, promoting, and strengthening microenterprises across farm and nonfarm sectors.

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