Page 35 - EDII Report 123
P. 35


                          SVEP Orienta on conducted for the officials of Jammu & Kashmir

                          An orienta on programme spanning two days was conducted for the members of the
                          Jammu and Kashmir State Rural Livelihood Mission team. During this program, 18 officials
                          from SRLM were introduced to SVEP and its implementa on.

                          Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi interacted with Ms. Meera Yadav, CRP-EP
                          during  his  visit  to  Sohagpur  block  -  Madhya  Pradesh  on  July  1,  2023.  During  their
                          interac on,  Hon'ble  Prime  Minister  was  impressed  by  the  inspiring  narra ves  of
                          community achievers. Ms. Meera led the audience through the journey that made her a
                          community leader, providing micro enterprise services.

                  Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi interac ng with Mr. Baijnath Prajapa , a master trainer from the
                  Nizamabad Black po ery cluster in Azamgarh, U ar Pradesh, during the launch of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana
                  in New Delhi. EDII is the technical agency for the Nizamabad Po ery Cluster under SFURTI Scheme, Ministry of
                  MSME, Government of India. The Yojana aims to provide support to tradi onal ar sans and cra smen.

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