Page 36 - EDII Report 123
P. 36


                             ...National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP)

                             To encourage the growth of clusters in the agricultural and nonagricultural sectors,
                             the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, launched Na onal Rural Economic
                             Transforma on  Project  (NRETP).  The  project  is  being  carried  out  across  Gujarat,
                             Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Karnataka and Rajasthan among some
                             other  places.  EDII  has  been  engaged  as  the  Technical  Support  Agency  (TSA)  for
                             extending technical assistance to the ar san clusters. EDII has been engaged with
                             various State Rural Livelihood Missions to func on as TSA, par cularly for ar san
                             clusters. Dr. Rajesh Gupta is the Project Director.

                      •  11 Ar san Iden ty Cards have been issued in the Dahod Po ery Cluster and 60 ar san
                         cards have been issued in Jacket Cluster in Badarwas, Madhya Pradesh.

                      •  Skill Upgrada on training with NIFT has been provided to 20 ar sans, and 70 ar sans have
                         been mobilized to become the members of the Producer Company in Jacket Cluster in
                         Badarwas, Madhya Pradesh.

                      •  Producer Company had been incorporated in September, 2023, as Kolhapuri Leather &
                         Chappal Works Producer Company Limited. 46 ar sans have been mobilized so far in this

                                      Ar san Mobilisa on ac vity in Kolhapuri Footwear cluster in Maharashtra.

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