Page 12 - EDII Report 127
P. 12

“A conducive environment for women entrepreneurs is crucial
                                                  for our country's development. Empowering women not only
                                                  strengthens  the  backbone  of  our  society  but  also  ensures
                                                  balanced  growth.  The  government  has  been  promo ng
                                                  women leadership and empowerment in an effort to bolster
                                                  India's  women-led  development  agenda.  This  collabora on
                                                  between the NCW and EDII has proved to be a significant step
                                                  towards building the capacity of women entrepreneurs and
                                                  crea ng a suppor ve ecosystem for their success.”
                                                                                     - Shri Harsh Sanghavi
                                                      Minister of State for Home, Industries, Cultural Ac vi es,
                                                  Sports, Youth Service (Independent Charge), Govt. of Gujarat

                                      “We have successfully completed 100 EAPs, which has helped 5796 women
                                      from  across  different  regions  of  the  country,  realise  their  untapped
                                      poten al. The response has been encouraging, with women acknowledging
                                      their capabili es and showing the confidence to step ahead with their plans
                                      to float their enterprises. It is my dream to see more and more women
                                      become  financially  independent.  While  the  government  is  greatly
                                      suppor ve with women-oriented policies, I believe the society also has to be
                                      influenced  to  adopt  a  posi ve  mindset  towards  bringing  women  in  the
                                      economic mainstream. I am confident that women will emerge, in huge
                                      numbers, as successful entrepreneurs and inspire several more to follow
                                      suit. The support from EDII has been crucial in this journey.”
                                                                                     - Smt. Rekha Sharma
                                                                           Na onal Commission for Women

                                      “EDII has been commi ed to empowering women through well-meaning
                                      women entrepreneurship awareness and development programmes. We
                                      are  glad  to  have  collaborated  with  NCW  to  promote  poten al  women
                                      entrepreneurs.  These  programmes  have  ensured  development  of  skills,
                                      competencies and posi ve mindset among women and will foster financial
                                      independence among women. I am proud of the progress we have made
                                      with the crucial support of NCW, and look forward to further advancements
                                      in women-led entrepreneurship.”
                                                                                          - Dr Sunil Shukla
                                                                                          Director General
                                                             Entrepreneurship Development Ins tute of India

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