Page 9 - EDII Report 127
P. 9

“Digital  transformation  has           “Digital transformation is not only
                            become imperative for MSMEs to          about   adopting new technology
                            stay  competitive  and  thrive  in      but it is more about leveraging the
                            today's rapidly evolving business       technology.  And,  this  requires  a
                            landscape.  MSMEs  have  to  step       mindset  change.  Digitalization  is
                            up and rise to the occasion to grab     there  to  stay  and  evolve,  so
                            the advantages arising out of the       M S M E s   h a v e   t o   g e a r   u p
                                                                    accordingly.  In  India,  MSMEs
                            digital  revolution.  A  global
                                                                    contribute  close  to  30%  of  the
                            consumer  base,  expanded
                                                                    GDP and if India has to become a 5
                            m a r ket s   a n d   st re a m l i n e d
                                                                    trillion economy, MSMEs will have
                            operations  are  just  a  click  away
                                                                    to  grow  and  make  themselves
                                                                    50% contributors to GDP.”
                                       - Shri Shailesh Patwari
                                                                        - Dr Jaimin Vasa, Chairman &
                               Advisor SME Board, New Delhi
                                                                      MD, Vasa Pharmachem Pvt Ltd

                            “Digitization  has  unfolded  huge     "Training  the  workforce  on  new
                            o p p o r t u n i t i e s .   G e M ,   t h e   technologies  is  an  essential  to
                            Government  e  Marketplace  is  a      empower MSMEs. The rapid pace
                            potent  platform  can  MSMEs  can      of digital evolution demands that
                            benefit from. It is high time that     MSMEs  continuously  upskill their
                            MSMEs  start  thinking  big  and  in   resources  to  stay  competitive.
                            line  with  the  global  audiences.    Digitalization  programmes  could
                            They  need  to  focus  on  creating    be more inclusive and accessible to
                            dynamic websites, ensure their e-      support  the  growth  target  that
                            commerce  presence  and  keep          India has set before itself. MSMEs
                            themselves  updated  even  on          must start leading innovation and
                            social media platforms.”               thus  enhanced  efficiency  on  all
                                    - Shri Pradeep Ojha, Joint     fronts."
                                Director, MSME Development                        - Shri Yaman Saluja
                                      Facilita on Office (DFO)             Co-founder - Naapbooks Ltd.

                            “MSMEs are the life-blood of any economy. I am glad that EDII has always
                            prioritized  the  sector  through  various  time-relevant  activities.  Several
                            government initiatives are also ensuring that the MSME sector harnesses its
                            potential to unravel emerging opportunities. Digital transformations have
                            ushered in a sea change in the world of MSMEs. There is infinite potential for
                            MSMEs in terms of capturing new markets and customer segments.”
                                                              - Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII

                          This event underscored the critical role of digital transformation and innovation
                          in empowering MSMEs, driving growth, and building a resilient future.

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