Page 37 - EDII Report 123
P. 37


                          ...Consultative Workshop on Devbhoomi Udyamita Yojana

                U arakhand, with its picturesque landscapes and a burgeoning young popula on, is poised at the
                cusp of economic growth. Recognizing the poten al for harnessing the demographic dividend and
                promo ng  entrepreneurship,  the  state  has  launched  the  'Devbhoomi  Udyamita  Yojana'.  This
                visionary  ini a ve  aims  to  foster  entrepreneurship  and  startup  crea on  among  the  youth  in
                educa onal ins tu ons, rural areas, and marginalized communi es. To support this endeavour, EDII
                is playing a central role in this ini a ve, working in close collabora on with the Higher Educa on
                Department, Govt. of U arakhand.

                EDII, with its extensive experience in the domain of entrepreneurship, is a partner in realizing the
                Devbhoomi Udyamita Yojana's objec ves. Through a series of interven ons, EDII aims to transform
                young students into successful entrepreneurs. These interven ons include boot camps for business
                plan  crea on,  sensi za on  workshops  for  academic  leaders  and  government  officials,  faculty
                mentor  development  programmes,  and  suppor ng  student  startups  through  mul ple  ways.
                Addi onally, the ins tute will establish Centers of Excellence in Entrepreneurship, offer voca onal
                and entrepreneurship courses aligned with the New Educa on Policy 2020, and ac vely engage in
                policy advocacy to create a conducive environment for startups and entrepreneurship.

                On September 13, 2023, at the Nityanand Himalayan Study and Research Centre, Doon University,
                Dehradun, EDII organized a consulta ve workshop in collabora on with the U arakhand Higher
                Educa on Department.

                    Stakeholders at the consulta ve workshop, organised in collabora on with the U arakhand Higher Educa on
                    Department, in Dehradun.

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