Page 39 - EDII Report 123
P. 39


                          Sankalp Scheme Awareness Workshops in Gorakhpur:

                          Under  the  Sankalp  Scheme  of  the
                          U ar  Pradesh  Skill  Development
                          M i s s i o n   ( U P S D M ) ,   1 5
                          Entrepreneurship  Awareness
                          Programs  (EAPs)  across  various
                          villages in the Gorakhpur district has
                          been  conducted.  The  project,
                          launched  in  July  2023,  is  set  to
                          con nue un l the end of December
                          2023. Its core objec ve is to raise
                          awareness about entrepreneurship
                          a s   a   v i a b l e   c a re e r   o p   o n ,
                          par cularly among youth, women, and disadvantaged individuals.

                          SIDBI-Sponsored Training Programmes in Gorakhpur and Kushinagar:

                                                                           Collabora ng  with  the  Small
                                                                           Industries  Development  Bank  of
                                                                           India (SIDBI), 39 three-day training
                                                                           programmes  as  part  of  the
                                                                           Livelihood  Outreach  Project  were
                                                                           conducted  across  eastern  U ar
                                                                           Pradesh. These played a pivotal role
                                                                           in  empowering  communi es.  The
                                                                           main  thrust  of  the  Livelihood
                                                                           Outreach Programme is on bringing
                                                                           about  a  posi ve  change  in  10
                                                                           districts  of  Eastern  UP  through
                          comprehensive skill development. This includes impar ng financial and digital literacy to
                          3,000  individuals.  Addi onally,  the  programme  extends  training,  handholding,  and
                          mentoring to 1,500 ar sans, micro-entrepreneurs, and livelihood entrepreneurs, equipping
                          them with the necessary skills for successful onboarding onto e-marketplaces.

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