Page 40 - EDII Report 123
P. 40


                          ...NCW and EDII join hands

          In a bid to promote women entrepreneurship
          in  India,  Na onal  Commission  for  Women
          (NCW)  and  EDII  are  organizing  100
          Entrepreneurship  Awareness  Programmes
          (EAPs)  across  India,  to    enlighten  and
          empower  women  by  demonstra ng  the
          m y r i a d   b e n e fi t s   o f   c h o o s i n g
          entrepreneurship  as  a  career  path.  The
          p ro g ra m m e s   d e l v e   i n t o   e s s e n   a l
          entrepreneurial  skills,  offering  par cipants
          the  knowledge,  abili es,  and  mo va on
          necessary to establish and nurture their own

          The  EAPs  include  expert  led  discussion  on
          t o p i c s   l i ke   t h e   f u n d a m e n t a l s   o f
          entrepreneurship,  iden fying  business
          opportuni es, cul va ng an entrepreneurial
          mindset, strategies to overcome challenges
          commonly faced by women, understanding
          gender  specific  issues  and  challenges,  and
          informa on  on  government  schemes  and
          policies for women business owners.

                                                              No. of Programmes    No. of Par cipants
                                During  the  last  3
                                months,  60  EAPs
                                have been conducted
                                sensi zing  3541
                                par cipants covering                          States
                                60  ci es  across  26

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