Page 29 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
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Sr.           Ac vity             Loca on   Dura on   Target Group       Objec ves & Outcome

               Na onal Programme for Cer fica on of        5       Educators,   Ministry of Educa on, GOI & Educa onal
          2.2.5  Entrepreneur Educators and   EDII Campus  days  mentors and   Regulatory Authori es
               Mentors under NEP-2020                              trainers
               Entrepreneurship Programme for             5                  Upgrade the entrepreneurial skills of
          2.2.6                            EDII Campus             Students
               Students                                  days                students of UG programme

          2.3  Online Programme, Collabora ve and Cer ficate programmes

                                                                             Equip learners with the ability to func on
               Online Programme in Entrepreneurship       1     Degree/Diploma  dynamically and acquire the requisite
          2.3.1                            Hybrid Mode
               (1 Year)                                  year      holders   knowledge and skills to plan and successfully
                                                                             launch their dream ventures

               Sectoral Focus  Entrepreneurship
               Programme for Students                             Graduates,   Upgrade the skills and enhance the
               1. Agri Entrepreneurship                  2-3    Under graduates,
          2.3.2                            EDII Campus                       knowledge of Professionals, Ar sans,
               2. Tourism Entrepreneurship              weeks      Working   and Startups
               3. Art and Cra  Entrepreneurship                   Professional
               4. Export-Import, Supply Chain

               Training Programme to Ex-service men               Ex-service
          2.3.3  (ESM), Directorate General   EDII Campus  24       Men      Entrepreneurship Programme for defence
               Rese lement (DGR)                        weeks       (ESM)    personnel to help them set up business

          2.4  Incuba on Programmes

                                                                            Students/alumni/startups who have an
                                                                            innova ve idea/concept will stand eligible
               Student Start-up Innova on Policy,         1       PG students   to receive grant support for prototype crea on.
          2.4.1  Nodal Ins tu ons Policy, MSME Policy,   EDII Campus  year  &   They will also be provided support for
               Atal Incuba on Centre                               Start up   mentorship. To promote & support  knowledge
                                                                            based innova ve MSMEs (ventures) through
                                                                            incuba on from various sectors of society

                                                                   Ar san,   Provide support to coopera ve socie es,
               Geographical Indicator and                 1
          2.4.2                            EDII Campus           Coopera ves,   startups and FPOs to protect their
               Patent Facilita on Center                 year
                                                                   Industry   intellectual property
                                                                  Associa on

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