Page 28 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
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Department of Entrepreneurship Education

           Sr.           Ac vity            Loca on    Dura on   Target Group       Objec ves & Outcome

           2.1  Long Term Programmes

               Fellow Programme in Management                    Academicians /  Encourage doctoral scholars to take up
          2.1.1                             EDII Campus  4 Years
               (2024 Batch)                                      Professionals  theore cal and empirical research work

               Post Graduate Diploma in Management-              Family Business  Train students to set up their own business,
          2.1.2  Entrepreneurship (PGDM-E)- 2024-26   EDII Campus  2 Years  Successors and   become entrepreneurial managers,
               (1st Year)                                          Start-ups  or join family business

               Post Graduate Diploma in Management-              Family Business  Train students to set up their own business,
          2.1.3  Entrepreneurship (PGDM-E)- 2023-25   EDII Campus  2 Years  Successors and   become entrepreneurial managers,
               (2nd Year)                                          Start-ups  or join family business
               Post Graduate Diploma in Innova on,
               Entrepreneurship and Venture
          2.1.4                             EDII Campus  2 Years   Students  Offered through EDII incubator
               Development (PGDM-IEV) -2024-26
               (1st Year)
               Post Graduate Diploma in Innova on,
               Entrepreneurship and Venture
          2.1.5                             EDII Campus  2 Years   Students  Offered through EDII incubator
               Development (PGDM-IEV) 2023-25
               (2nd Year)
                                                                             Educate students to set up their own
          2.1.6  Online PGDM Batch 2 (First Year)  Virtual  2 Years  Students  businesses, become entrepreneurial managers,
                                                                             or join family businesses

                                                                             Alumni Up skilling, Maintaining  alumni
               Alumni Engagement Programmes PG   EDII Campus/  1-3
          2.1.7                                                    Alumni    rela onships, organizing various programmes
               (1-3 Days)                  Hybrid Mode   days
                                                                             for alumni's
           2.2  Programmes for Higher Secondary Students/Teachers

               Na onal Summer Camp on                     6
          2.2.1  Entrepreneurial S mula on for   EDII Campus  days  Children  Inculcate entrepreneurial values among children
               School Children

               Na onal Summer Camps on                    10       College   Provide a s mula ng and immersive
          2.2.2  Entrepreneurial Adventures for   EDII Campus  days  going   learning experience that mo vates youth
               college going youth                                  Youth    for an entrepreneurial career

               School Entrepreneurship, Teachers'
               Training (Na onal & Interna onal) :        5                  Equip Teachers with requisite skills to
          2.2.3                            EDII Campus             Teachers
               Implemen ng Entrepreneurship              days                conduct Entrepreneurship related Ac vi es
               Curriculum in Schools

                                                         1-2                 Upgrade the skills and enhance the
          2.2.4  Faculty Development Programme (FDP)  EDII Campus  PG Facuty,
                                                        weeks                knowledge of faculty members

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