Page 32 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 32

Projects with Government

           Sr.           Ac vity            Loca on    Dura on   Target Group       Objec ves & Outcome

           3.1  Projects with Central Government Ministries, Departments and Boards
                                                                  State Rural   Offer need-based implementa on support and
                                                                Livelihood Missions  devise necessary mechanisms for capacity
               Support to states for block outreach
          3.1.1  and strengthening of Project   EDII Campus  1 Year  [SRLM], State   building of stakeholders. Liaison with State
               Implemen ng Agency (PIA)                          Implementa on   Rural Livelihood Mission for effec ve
                                                                    Offices    implementa on of SVEP
                                                                             To provide specialized support to the
               Start-up Village Entrepreneurship                    Rural    State Rural Livelihood Mission Directorates
          3.1.2  Programme (SVEP) Implementa on -   States in India  4 Years  Micro   in 9 states, create community resources,
               Exis ng Blocks [states]                           entrepreneurs   build their capabili es and promote
                                                                             microentrepreneurs in iden fied blocks
                                                                    Rural    To provide Technical support to the State
               Start-up Village Entrepreneurship
          3.1.3                            States in India  1 Year  Micro    Rural Livelihood Mission -
               Programme (SVEP) DPR Prepara on
                                                                 entrepreneurs   SVEP DPR prepara on
                                                                  Women SHG
                                                                  members &
               Promo ng Rural Cluster Development                their rela ves   Longitudinal interven ons for promo ng
          3.1.4  & BDS under Na onal Rural Economic   PAN India  3 Years  [SHGs promoted   tradi onal and non-tradi onal clusters and
               Transforma on Project (NRETP)                      under NRLM   providing BDS in rural areas
                                                                  Program by
                                                                respec ve SRLMs]

               Rural Waste Management Based   U ar Pradesh,                  To promote rural employment and income
          3.1.5  Enterprise Development Project   U arakhand,   3 Years  Rural households  genera ng opportuni es entrepreneurs,
               (GOBARdhan)                 Gujarat, Bihar                    SHGs and youth groups
                                                                             To develop educators, entrepreneurs and
               Training Programme on                              Educators,   students through capacity building
          3.1.6  Entrepreneurship (WEDP, TEDP and   PAN India  3 Years  Entrepreneurs,   programmes with support from Dept of
               FEDP) under DST, Govt. of India project             Students
                                                                             Science and Technology, Govt of India
                                                                             To create awareness among women for
               Entrepreneurship Awareness                       Entrepreneurship
          3.1.7                             PAN India   1 Year               entrepreneurship development through
               Programmes for Women                                Aspirants
                                                                             One-Day Awareness programmes
          3.2  Projects with State Government Departments, Corpora ons and Boards
                                                                              Implemen ng and evalua ng an integrated
                Strengthening Co age Industries and                 Micro
          3.2.1  Rural Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in   Gujarat  3 Years  entrepreneurs/   model to strengthen the co age & rural
                                                                              entrepreneurship ecosystem in the state
                Gujarat                                            Ar sans
                                                                              of Gujarat
                                                                              Help people with disabili es by empowering
                Centre for Empowerment of                         Differently-
          3.2.2                              Gujarat    5 Years               them through entrepreneurship training
                Differently Abled (CEDA)                          abled/Divyang
                                                                              and enhancing their economic growth
                                                                               Impart employability/smart skills
                                                                               (English/Hindi communica on skills,
          3.2.3  Bihar Skill Development Programme  Bihar  3 Months  Students  IT literacy skills and so  skills) to the youth
                                                                               of Bihar under ‘Kushal Yuva Program’ –
                                                                               skill training programme

                                                                   Aspring     To promote entrepreneurship among
                Entrepreneurship Development and   Indian        Entrepreneurs,   aspiring entrepreneurs, and youth by
          3.2.4  Livelihood Crea on in     North-Eastern   1 Year   Youth      implemen ng strategic interven ons.
                Indian North-Eastern States   States                and        The focus will be given to technology-
                                                                   Women       supported and innova ve ventures

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