Page 32 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 32

Projects with Corporates

           Sr.           Ac vity            Loca on    Dura on   Target Group       Objec ves & Outcome

           3.5  CSR Projects with PSUs

          3.5.1  ATHAK Bharat Project      Dang, Gujarat  1 Year  Youth/ Women  Promo on of self-sustainable organisa ons

               HAL-Micro Skillpreneurship                        Youth/ Women  To train youth & women on workable Business
          3.5.2                             Karnataka    1 Year              Opportuni es, process and steps to implement
               Development Programme (MSDP)
                                                                             them to start their own enterprise
                                                                 Tribal Youths   To enhance the livelihood of youths and
               Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
          3.5.3                              Odisha      1 Year     and      SHG members
               Programme for Project Affected areas
                                                                 SHG members
                                             UP, MP,
               UNNATI empowerment of women                                   Socio-economic empowernment of
          3.5.4                             Cha sgarh,   1 Year  Youth & Women
               in self reliant India                                         youth & women
                                            Bihar, Orissa
               Skill Development and Entrepreneurship               Rural    Socio-economic empowernment of
          3.5.5                             Haryana &    1 Year
               Programme for Project Affected areas               Youth/Women  youth & women
                                           Ahmedabad,               Rural
          3.5.6  Millet Sakhi               Bangalore,   1 Year  Youth/Women  Socio-economic empowernment of
                                                                             youth & women
           3.6  CSR Projects with Corporate Ins tu ons

               WeAct                                             Women Micro   Provide handholding support to rural women
          3.6.1                             Bangalore   1 Year
               (Women Chamber of Commerce)                       Entrepreneurs   micro entrepreneurs so that they can be in the
                                                                             mainstream of development

                                                                             Crea on of skilled rural women entrepreneurs.
                                                                             Beneficiaries will be equipped with the
               Micro Skillpreneurship Development
          3.6.2                             PAN India   1 month  Rural Women   knowledge to iden fy feasible / workable
               Programme - Skills to Succeed
                                                                             Business Opportuni es, process and steps to
                                                                             implement them to start their own enterprise
                                                                             The project will adopt an ecosystem building
                                                                   Rural and   approach in handloom and ar san clusters and
          3.6.3  Ar san Project             PAN India   1 year
                                                                 Urban Ar sans  employ various interven ons to help transi on
                                                                             weaver’s value chain to sustainability

                                                                 Women from
               New Enterprise Crea on Programme                              Promote entrepreneurship among individual
               for women from SC/ST, weaker sec on               SC/ST, weaker
          3.6.4                            Raigad district   1 year  sec on and   women & SHG members from affirma ve
               and SHGs in Raigad & Ratnagiri districts   (MH)               ac on communi es in Pune & Raigad districts
               (Maharashtra) (New UDAYA Project)                 SHGs in Pune
                                                                & Raigad districts
                                                                             To support the Vedanta Alumina Ltd (VAL)
                                                                 Rural Women,   supported Subhalaxmi CoOp and their
          3.6.5  Project Subhalaxmi Udyogini  Jharsugura  1 year
                                                                 SHG members   members living in the periphery of  VAL to focus
                                                                             on self employment & livelihood ac vi es

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