Page 33 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 33

Sr.           Ac vity             Loca on   Dura on   Target Group       Objec ves & Outcome

                                                                             To enable rural youth living in the periphery of
                                           Tikiri, Kashipur,                 Utkal Alumina Industry Ltd (UAIL) to start self
          3.6.6  Project UDYAMEE            Rayagada    1 year    Rural Youth  employment and livelihood ac vi es. Incuba on
                                             (Odisha)                        support will be provided through convergence
                                                                             model to new genera on entrepreneurs
                                            Bangalore,           Skilling youth   To enhance the self employment skills for
          3.6.7  Spark Project               Pune &     1 year   for electronic   ITI & Diploma holders
                                             Mumbai             service business
                                                                    Rural    Conceptualising, developing, star ng and
               Micro enterprise development for
          3.6.8                           Mundra, Gujarat  1 year  marginalised  establishing an economy ac vity and venture
               women collec ves
                                                                    women    through MSDPs
               Entrepreneurship through    Tier I & II ci es                 Empowering the urban youth with digital skills
          3.6.9                                         1 year  Tech Savy Youth
               Digital Skilling               (20)                           to create service based enterprises
                                            Dehradun,              Urban &   Under the broad goal of technology-based
               Project RISE (Revitalising Innova on
         3.6.10                              Kasipur,   1 year      Rural    skill development, livelihood, employment
               for Sustainable Enterprises )
                                             Kamrup              Youth/ Women  crea on, and credit linkage ini a ves
         3.6.11  Project AASHRAY              Pune      1 year    PwD Youth  New business opportuni es for the PwD youth

          3.7  CSR Projects with Financial Ins tu ons
                                          Anand, Aravalli,
               Empower PwD entrepreneurs to                      Training of 250   To provide business scale-up training for the
          3.7.1                             Kheda and   1 year
               raise their entrepreneurial ac vity              PwD entrepreneurs growth of PwD enterprises
               Economic Empowerment of the
          3.7.2                              Gujarat    1 year     Ar sans   Restora on of the Dying art in Gujarat
               Languishing Cra  Ar san
          3.8  Projects to address Climate Change mi ga on & adapta on
               Comba ng Climate Change through                     Urban &   To promote and create green business to
          3.8.1                             PAN India   3 years
               Sustainable Green Businesses in India              Rural Youth  overcome the effects of climate change
               Promo on of Green Economy through   Tier I & II ci es         Enterprise crea on in waste management to
          3.8.2                                         3 years  Urban Youth
               Urban Waste Management         (20)                           reduce the adverse effects of urban waste.
                                                                             Skilling youth for self-employment opportuni es
          3.8.3  Bhanu Mitra Swavlamban Yojana   PAN India  3 years  Rural Youth
                                                                             to create solar power service enterprises
               Energy efficiency ini a ves for                                 Competency building of MSME Sector through
          3.8.4                             PAN India   3 years  MSME Sector
               MSMEs in India                                                energy efficient technology
                                            HP, J&K, UK,                     To promote and create sustainable business
               Sustainable Economic Growth in the
          3.8.5                           Sikkim, Arunachal   3 years  Rural Youth  aligning climate resilient interven ons in
               Hill Region to protect Himalayan Ecosystem
                                             Pradesh                         Himalyan region
               Sustainable Livelihoods of Agriculture-
          3.8.6                             Gujarat, MP,                     Economic Empowerment through
               Dependent Rural Communi es in Arid   Maharashtra,   3 years  Rural Youth  natural farming
               Regions through Climate Smart Solu ons

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