Page 33 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
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Sr.           Ac vity             Loca on   Dura on   Target Group       Objec ves & Outcome
                                                                             Management of Projects as PMU for Gujarat
               Project Management Unit (PMU)                      Emerging   Women Economic Development Corpora on to
          3.2.5  of GWEDC, Women and Child   Gujarat    1 Year     Women     design, implement and Monitor various
               Dept. of Gujarat                                  Entrepreneurs  schemes related to entrepreneurship
                                                                             To conduct Entrepreneurship Development
               Entrepreneurship Development                                  cum Financial Learning Programme for
          3.2.6                              Assam      2 Years     Areas
               cum Financial Learning Programme                              Forest Areas (Under Assam Project of
                                                                             Bio-Diversity Conserva on)
                                                                             To create micro-entrepreneurs from rural
          3.2.7  Udyamsheel Pradesh - U ar Pradesh  Gorakhpur  1 Year        and sub-urban areas through 18 Days
                                                                             Micro-Enterprise Development programme
                                                                 Handicra  and   To create Skill-Based micro-entrepreneurs in
          3.2.8  Skill Development Programme  Lucknow   1 Year  Entrepreneurship   Handicra  and Handloom domain through
                                                                  Aspirants  Skill-Preneurship programme
               Value Chain Development and   North Eastern                   To form FPOs & build their capabili es for
          3.2.9  Handholding of Farmers Producer   Regions/ Other   3 Years  Farmers  conduc ng economic ac vi es
               Organiza ons                   states
               Bodoland Sericulture Mission:   North Eastern                 To build capabili es for conduc ng
         3.2.10  Silk Value Chain Project    Regions    3 Years  Sericulturists  economic ac vi es

               North East Center for Technology
               Applica on and Reach-NECTAR                                   To run the CFC for banana farmers/FPOs and
               A.Banana Fibre CFC(Arunachal Pradesh)  North Eastern
         3.2.11                                         1 Year     Farmers   conduct awareness for capacity building
               B. Awarenes and Entrepreneurship   Regions                    interven ons in the NER
               Development Program (Mizoram,
               Manipur & Meghalaya)
                                            Telangana,            Youth and
               Project UDYAM: Minority New-Gen                               To create New-GEN entrepreneurs from
         3.2.12                             Karnataka   1 Year   Women from
               Entrepreneurs [for youth and women]                           Minority sec ons in the society
                                          & U ar-Pradesh        Minority Sec on
                                                                             To create an ecosystem for entrepreneurship
                                                                  Students,   at higher learning campuses through strategic
                                                                Faculty Members
         3.2.13  Devbhoomi Udyami Yojana   U arakhand   5 Years  and Aspiring   interven ons, such as Boot Camps, Stakeholders
                                                                 Entrepreneurs  Workshops, Start-up related ac vi es, Faculty-
                                                                             Mentorship Development Programmes etc.
                                              West               Tribal Youth,   To conduct various interven ons under
         3.2.14  PM-Van Dhan Yojana        Bengal/Tripura  3 Years  Women and   PM-Van Dhan Vikas Kendra (VDVK Yojana)
                                                                   Ar sans
                                                                             in West-Bengal and Tripura
                                                                    ODOP     To develop a centre for training and developing
               Centre for Packaging and                          Entrepreneurs,
         3.2.15                            U ar-Pradesh  1 Year              entrepreneurs on various techniques of
               Sustainable Development                          Local Industries
                                                                  and MSMEs  sustainable packaging in U ar-Pradesh
          3.3  Projects with Development Ins tu ons/Agencies
                                           Mathura (U..P),                   Undertake Capacity building for holis c
          3.3.1  Off- Farm Producer Organiza on (OFPO)  Ayodhya (U.P.)   3 Years  Ar sans  development programmes
                                          and Lucknow (U.P.)
               Follow-on Support to Exis ng OFPO                             To support exis ng OFPO through capacity
          3.3.2                              Unnao      2 Years    Ar sans
               Project                                                       building and market linkages
                                            Ayodhya,               Temples,   To support crea on of value added products
          3.3.3  Temple Waste Management   Varanasi and   2 Years  Entrepreneurs,
                                            Gorakhpur              Vendors   through waste management from temple waste
          3.4  Projects with Mul lateral Agencies
               Strengthening Skilling and   Rajasthan,            Rural SHGs   To promote self-employment & entrepreneurship
          3.4.1  Entrepreneurship Development of   Madhya Pradesh,   1 Year  and Rural   among marginalised communi es through
                                                                            capacity building, handholding, mentoring,
                                            Bihar and
               Marginalised Communi es in India                   Enterprises
                                            Jharkhand                       counselling & guidance
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