Page 25 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 25
Sr. Ac vity Loca on Dura on Target Group Objec ves & Outcome
1.4 Knowledge Product
a) Handbook on Entrepreneurship
Mentoring for School Teachers
b) Project profiles prepara on
c) Women Entrepreneurship awareness Entrepreneurs,
Programme - A review report Teachers,
1.4.1 d) Research Study on the impact of EDII-HO 1 Researchers, To create knowledge products for internal
Entrepreneurship Development Centres year Prac oners, and external knowledge dissemina on
and Incubators across India - The story Academicians
of Success, Failure, and Impact
e) Manuals of EDII Flagship Programmes
f) Edited Book on Entrepreneurship
1.5 Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Educa on & Development (CREED)
Researchers, To publish the scholarly research works
1.5.1 Journal of Entrepreneurship EDII-HO Quaterly Policymakers, submi ed by authors and encourage
Academicians discourse in the field of entrepreneurship.
To conduct na onal study on Entrepreneurship,
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 1 Researchers, understand the mul ple dimensions of
1.5.2 EDII-HO Policymakers,
India Survey and Report year entrepreneurship in India, and
bring out the GEM India Report.
Researchers, To conduct the 16th Biennial Conference on
1.5.3 16th Biennial Conference EDII-HO Policymakers, Entrepreneurship aiming at par cipa on of
Academicians academicians and researchers.
Faculty Development Ini a ves: To provide support to faculty members for
a. Par cipa on in Conference/ 1 EDII a ending conferences and seminars,
1.5.4 Seminar/ Workshop EDII-HO year Faculty and to support them by providing financial
b. Working papers, monographs, Members assistance to bring out monographs,
case studies, manuals etc. working papers, cases and manuals.
Offer fellowship to ED trainers, teachers, and
Short-term Fellowships in 1
1.5.5 EDII-HO Researchers researchers, to encourage them to work on
Entrepreneurship Research year
themes related to entrepreneurship.
1 FPM To provide fellowship support to FPM students
1.5.6 Fellowship to FPM Scholars EDII-HO
year Students for pursuing their course.
1.5.7 Policy Brief-5 EDII-HO Educators, To provide brief understanding of all
Ins tu ons/ relevant Policies
Trainer-Mo vators
The annual lecture series and Memorial Award
has been ini ated to commemorate EDII's
Founder Director Padma Shri Late
Policymakers, Dr. V. G. Patel’s great work in the field of
Dr. V.G. Patel Memorial Lecture & Entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship development.
Dr. V.G. Patel Memorial Award for 1 Educators, The ‘Dr. V. G. Patel Memorial Award for
1.5.8 EDII-HO
Entrepreneurship day Ins tu ons/ Entrepreneurship Trainer/ Educator/Mentor’,
Trainer/Educator/Mentor Educators, which will be awarded to a professional for
Trainer-Mo vators his/ her outstanding performance/ contribu on
in Entrepreneurship Training/ Educa on/
Mentoring/ Knowledge or Technology
Driven Startups.