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Entrepreneurship is for Everyone :
 Expanding the Horizon of Opportunities
 ndia is a young nation; it prides on its demographic dividend. The country’s youths are
 passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship. No wonder, India is scaling up the ladder
 Iwith aspirations to reach the top-most position in terms of its start-up ecosystem, from the
                                                                                                   uilding a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovations and startups in the nation, was felt as a
 present 3rd in the world. The world over, youths are being encouraged to adopt innovation,
                                                                                                   strong need for overall growth.  Given the thrust that followed in terms of conducive policies,
 enterprise building and sustainable development. One such event which celebrates this aspiration
                                                                                          Bregulations and opportunities, India is today the third-largest startup hub in the world.
 is the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), which originated in 2008. The week marks the
                                                                                          We are certainly witnessing a new India, where a new generation of innovators are stepping forth, sure
 significance of promoting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to ensure that indigenous
                                                                                          about succeeding but ready to accept failure.  They are learning from failures and quickly getting on to
 resources  are  harnessed,  innovations  are  promoted,  creativity  is  triggered  and  employment
                                                                                          the next step with improvements or new ideas. This positive, risk-taking and growth-oriented mind set
 opportunities are generated.
                                                                                          fosters an environment where entrepreneurship thrives.

         Getting ‘Started’ for New Beginnings                                             Getting ‘Started’ for New Beginnings

                  uilding a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovations and startups in the nation, was felt as a
                  strong need for overall growth.  Given the thrust that followed in terms of conducive policies,
         Bregulations and opportunities, India is today the third-largest startup hub in the world.

         We are certainly witnessing a new India, where a new generation of innovators are stepping forth, sure
         about succeeding but ready to accept failure.  They are learning from failures and quickly getting on to
         the next step with improvements or new ideas. This positive, risk-taking and growth-oriented mind set
         fosters an environment where entrepreneurship thrives.

         EDII Reports 130    |    Issue V    |    Dec 2024 - Jan 2025
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