Page 20 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 20

Department of Policy Advocacy, Knowledge and Research

           Sr.           Ac vity            Loca on    Dura on   Target Group       Objec ves & Outcome

           1.1  Research Studies

               Evalua on and Impact Analysis :
               a) Assessment of Schemes related to
               the Socio-Economic Development of
               Indian Rural regions, microenterprise,
               or rural Cluster
               b) Evalua on of schemes                           Policy Makers,
               related to Entrepreneurship and                      Govt.
               Agriculture/Farmers                       3-6     Departments,   To conduct Impact assessment surveys
          1.1.1                              EDII-HO            Service Providers,  and evalua on of various
               c) Analysis/Assessment of schemes        Months                  Govt. and Corporate Interven ons
               related to Rights of Women with special            Corporates,
               Reference to Right to Property, Safety,             Farmers,
               Skill Gap, and Economic Empowerment                 Women
               d) Impact Assessment of Bank
               supported Skill Development
               e) Corporate CSR Ini a ves

                Baseline/Situa on Analysis/
                Need analysis
                a) Inclusion and empowerment of the              Policy Makers,
                tribal youth                                        Govt.      To conduct Baseline Survey and situa on
                b) Challenges / Issues faced              3                    analysis on per nent issues such as
          1.1.2  by Women of Deno fied Tribes   EDII-HO  Months   Departments,   Agriculture, Tourism, Clusters and
                c) Assessment of Handicra  market                   Youth,     Entrepreneurship Opportuni es
                Pan India                                        Tribal Women
                d) Third-Party Need and
                Situa on Analysis of Corporate
                CSR Interven ons

               Diagnos c and Feasibility Studies
               a) Socio-Economic growth in the
               Hill Region                                       Policymakers,    To conduct diagonos c and
               b) Financial and Digital Literacy among    3                       feasibility studies
          1.1.3                              EDII-HO                Govt.
               Women - PAN India                        Months   Departments      on per nent issues aligned with
               c) Urban Waste Management in and                                   sustainable development goals
               around Temple Ci es/tourist
               des na ons

               Skill Gap Analysis
               a) Skill Assessment & An cipa on Study            Policymakers,   To analyse the Skill Gap for planning self
               for Mission Youth Par cipants              6
          1.1.4                              EDII-HO                Govt.      employment and entrepreneurship
               b) Skill gap analysis in and around Tourist   Months  Departments  Training and Development
               Desi na on in J&K, Himachal Pradesh
               and Kerala

           1.2  Dialogues and Events for Policy Advocacy

                  a) Workshop/Symposium      EDII-HO             Academicians,
          1.2.1   b) Conference               and      1-2 Days;   Entrepreneurs,   To share, collaborate, and dissiminate
                  c) Joint Research & Collabora on  Regional Offices  3 Months  Prac  oners  knowledge for strengthening Policies

           1.3  Business and Market Research

                                                                               To understand Customer Needs and
          1.3.1   Business and Market Research  EDII-HO  3-6       Industry,   Preferences and assess market demands
                                                        Months    Corporates
                                                                               as per the need of service providers

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