Page 19 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 19


                                                                P u b l i s h i n g   t h e   J o u r n a l   o f
                                                                Entrepreneurship  (JoE):  India's
                                                                leading scholarly outlet for research
                                                                in the area of entrepreneurship and
                                                                small business.

                                  Leads  the  Global  Entrepreneurship
                                  Monitor (GEM) India, which is the world's
                                  largest study in entrepreneurship.

                                                           Collaborating with reputed International
                                                           Research Institutions to contribute in the
                                                           global  perspectives.  Also  conducting
                                                           International  Biennial  Conferences  on
                                                           entrepreneurship research.

                                  Producing economic and social research
                                  on key national issues.

                                                          Working as a Research Partner with State
                                                          and Central Govt. Research Wings.

                                   10 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Reports published till date.

                                    Journal of Entrepreneurship             Drafted policies for
                                 is among the top 50% of Journals        Central/State Governments
                                 in terms of impact and influence.         and regulatory bodies.

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