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EDII  REPORTS 124                                                             EDII REPORTS 124

 The Journal of Entrepreneurship    PG Corner

 Volume 32 Number 2S November 2023
 since 1992
                                                                           PG  Alumnus  Abhishek  More,
 The Journal of Entrepreneurship (JoE) published its second special issue on 'Appropriate   Founder  and  Group  CEO  of
 Technologies & Entrepreneurship for Global Sustainability Development' under guest   Digikore  Studios  has  been
 editorship of Prof. Philippe Régnier, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland   contribu ng towards VFX services
 (HES-SO), Switzerland.                                                    in  the  Film  and  Entertainment

 The special issue of JoE comprises eight ar cles that delve into how appropriate/frugal   Industry for the past 2 decades.
 technologies  can  be  ini ated  by  various  forms  of  entrepreneurship  to  contribute  to   On  4  October  2023,  Digikore
 sustainable development, globally. The discussion encompasses perspec ves from both   Studios made a stellar debut on
 developed and developing countries.                                       the  NSE  SME  pla orm,with  its
                                                                           shares lis ng at a premium of 58%
 The research papers published in the Special  •  Business  Opportuni es  of   over the issue price.
 Issue include the following:  Informa on  and  Communica on
 Technologies  (ICTs)  in  Health
 •  Innova on, Appropriate Technologies and   Services for Democra c Republic   PG  Alumnus,  Krishan  Mishra,  CEO,  Financial
 Entrepreneurship for Global Sustainability   of Congo         Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB Ltd.) India,
 Development:  A  Review  Un l  the  Early      -  Musandji  Fuamba,  Edmond
 Twenty-first Century   Mutshipayi  Badibanga  and              was invited to grace the World Financial Planning
    - Philippe Régnier  Kalanga-Nadine Kashale                 Day  Celebra ons  at  BSE  India,  Mumbai  on  4th
                                                               October, 2023. Krishan shared the dais with noted
 •  The Ignored Legi ma on Paradox
 •  Technological Transforma on and the Role   of  Northern  Technology-based   personali es  like  Mr.  Girish  Joshi,  the  Chief  of
 of Frugal Innova ons in Entrepreneurship   New  Ventures  Encountering   Lis ng  and  Trading  Development,  BSE  and  Mr.
 Development in India  Southern Contexts: Case Study of        Arun  Thukral,  CPAC  Commi ee  Chairman,  FPSB
    - Binod Khadria and Ratnam Mishra  a French e-Books Company  India, in ringing the bell.
    - Amira Laifi, Yabo Octave Niamié
 •  Global  De-risking  and  Local  Risk-taking:   and Olivier Germain
 C h i n e s e   E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p   a n d
 Technologies in Time of Global Challenges  Glimpses from the Alumni Reunion...
    - Heini Shi
 •  Frugal  Engineering  of  Advanced  Frugal
 Innova ons  for  Global  Sustainability
    - Balkrishna C. Rao and Ingo Liefner

 •  Strengthening  Local  Innova on  and
 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
    -  Elizabeth  Hoffecker,  Francisco  Ramos,
 Gordon Adomdza and Dan Frey

 •  Analysis of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in
 Northern Hai  to S mulate Innova on and
 Reduce Poverty  EDI Alumni Associa on conducted a workshop centered around the theme: ‘REIMAGINING GROWTH:
    - Samuel Pierre, Jocelin Dupénor, Raymond   Naviga ng the Future of MSMEs and SMBs’ on December 16-17. This event united alumni from various
 Kernizan, Marc-Donald Vincent, Stéphane    regions and sectors. Mr. Jubin Mishra, Partner, Blue Helion and Dr. Tamanna Chaturvedi, Consultant,
 Dauphin-Pierre and Jimmy Pierre  Indian Ins tute of Foreign Trade, were among some of the noted speakers.
                                    Editor: Dr. Sunil Shukla

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