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EDII  REPORTS 124                                                             EDII REPORTS 124

 Jhankaar, The Annual Students’ Festival...  Collaborations, Associations &

 EDII celebrated Navratri on its premises on 20th October, 2023. Students, EDII   Deliberations...
 family and guests from institutes and establishments from Ahmedabad made
 the evening memorable.

                EDII signed an MoU with Higher Education Department, Govt. of Gujarat for the implementation of the ‘Student
                Entrepreneurship Policy’ on 29th November, 2023. The MoU was signed in the presence of Shri Rushikesh Patel,
                Cabinet  Minister,  Health  &  Family  Welfare  &  Medical  Education,  Higher  and  Technical  Education,  Govt.  of
                Gujarat; Shri Mukesh Kumar, Principal Secretary (Higher and Technical Education) Department, Govt. of Gujarat;
                Shri Parimal Pandya, Director of Higher Education, Govt. of Gujarat and Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII. As
                part of the policy, college students will receive financial assistance of INR 40,000/-. About 500 nodal officers will
                be appointed at the initial stage and 2,000 students will benefit from the policy. EDII will implement the policy by
                preparing a cadre of resource persons (faculty mentor to impart entrepreneurship related training), conducting
                training programmes and workshops for students, to train them to set up their own enterprises.
 Commemora ng Na onal Coopera ve Week

 and Women Entrepreneurship Day

 The Ins tute celebrated the Na onal Coopera ve Week and Women Entrepreneurship Day on campus.  [Le ,
 (R-L)] Dr. Shital Jayan lal, Associate Professor, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal; Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director
 General, EDII and Dr. Piyush Kr. Sinha, Sr. Adjunct Prof., EDII were the dis nguished speakers at the event.
                     Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII making a point on the 'Implementation on of NEP-2020' at
                      the Western Zone Vice-Chancellors’ Conference, organised on the subject, at Kevadiya, Gujarat.

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