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EDII  REPORTS 124                                                             EDII REPORTS 124

 EDII is also implementing several other result-oriented activities in   Project Aarohan... Supported by TATA Power
 partnership with noted corporates. Here's a glimpse into activities in
 the last three months:
                Project Aarohan aims to empower farmers, fisherfolk, women and artisans of Mundra by
 Project AASHRAY... Supported by Kone Escalators & Elevators   improving their livelihood through poverty reduction programmes and  promoting & ensuring
                inclusive and sustainable economic growth for existing enterprises. This Project focuses on
 EDII and Kone have partnered to implement Project Aashray in Pune and Nashik   capacity  building  programmes  through  skill-based  Entrepreneurship  Development
 districts of Maharashtra. The project aims to make a meaningful impact on Persons   Programmes and Enterprise Creation Activities. EDII as the implementing partner trained 180
 with Disabilities (PwDs) in these regions, through various initiatives that ensure   communities  from  Mundra  through  Micro  Skillpreneurship  Development  Programmes
 alternative income streams by providing training in specific trades, thus enabling   (MSDP) for a year and offered handholding for six months. Over the last there months, in
 PwDs to establish sustainable businesses. The project seeks to uplift 157 PwDs.  addition to participants of Mota Bhadiya village being mobilized, EDII initiated the process for
                artisan card application for 22 artisans with the District Industries Centre. The artisan card

 Over last three months, the following activities marked remarkable progress towards   would help artisans avail benefits of government schemes and provide them accessibility to
 the goal:      participate in Government exhibitions. To increase the reach of artisans to the customers, a
                product catalogue was readied and the artisans were handheld to establish market linkages.
 •  Awareness and Sensitization Camp in Pune discussed the challenges faced
 by PwDs and how result-oriented solutions could be curated effectively. This
 initiative  increased  community  understanding  and  established  a  belief
 among PwDs towards training for their upliftment.

 •  Following  the  Awareness  Camp,  Micro  Skill  Development  Programme
 (MSDP) at Redani Village in Pune, focussed on training 28 PwDs in candle
 and  incense-making  trades.  They  were  also  appropriately  supported  to
 ensure that they set up own enterprises.

 As a heartening outcome, entrepreneurs trained have initiated enterprises that are
 effectively meeting local needs of people for agarbatti, candles and diyas. Several
 trainees are in the process of setting up their enterprises.

                                      Artisans participated in Beyond Gallery Exhibition held at Ahmedabad.

                                                                                         Artisan, Heeraben
                                                                                         at  Saras  mela  in
 Women beneficiaries trained under MSDP in Pune seen with the products (Agarbatti)
 during an exhibition.

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