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EDII  REPORTS 124                                                             EDII REPORTS 124

 Securing Promising Livelihood
                           The  roundtable  meeting  brainstormed  on  creating  a  better  world  for  PwDs
 Opportunities for Persons with   through effective synergy between government, corporates, and institutions. The
                           discussions revolved around the specific objectives of ensuring empowerment of
                           PwDs through sustainable enterprise creation; creating a set of best practices in
 Disabilities              the  context  of  infrastructure,  perception,  environment,  security,  and  other

                           facilities to promote their complete inclusion in society.
 EDII has always championed the cause of inclusive entrepreneurship by providing a level
 playing field to persons across different strata and segment of society, including marginalized   In addition to leaders from noted corporates, the Meet witnessed presence of Dr.
 communities and those with special needs. Towards providing equitable opportunities to all,   Vineet  Rana,  General  Manager,  National  Handicapped  Finance  Development
 the Institute has curated specialized programmes for Persons with Disabilities, thus ensuring   Corporation,  DePwD,  Govt.  of  India;  Shri  Jagannath  Sahoo,  President,  SBI
 that they make a mark as successful entrepreneurs. EDII houses the Centre for Empowerment   Foundation;  Shri Rajendra Nimbalkar, IAS, Managing Director, Maharashtra Small
 of  the  Differently  Abled  (CEDA),  supported  by  the  Department  of  Social  Justice  &   Scale Industries Development Corporation Ltd., Mumbai; Shri Saumya Chaudhuri,
 Empowerment, Directorate of Social Defence, Gujarat State Handicapped (Divyang) Finance &   CGM, IDBI Bank Ltd and senior officials of DePwD. EDII was represented by Dr.
 Development Corporation, Government of Gujarat, on its campus.  Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII and Dr. Raman Gujral, Director, Department of
                           Projects (Corporates), EDII.
 On 7th December 2023, the Institute took another step in this direction by  collaborating  with
 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) to organize a Roundtable
 Meet for Corporates to 'Support, Activate and Build Assured Livelihoods (SABAL) for Persons
 with Disabilities (PwDs) under CSR Actions'. After a similar Roundtable Meet organized in Delhi
 on 21st September 2023, this Meet was organized in Mumbai with the agenda of sensitizing   “ Through  NHFDC,  we  aim  to   “ SBI Foundation, in partnership
 society at large and discussing to curate ways of instituting interventions and measures that   facilitate  financial  development,   with  EDII,  is  committed  to
 ensure the establishment of 3,000 new enterprises PwDs, including 1,500 technology-driven   ensuring  sustainable  livelihoods   creating  promising  livelihood
 and 1,500 general enterprises.  for PwDs in collaboration with EDII       opportunities  for  differently-
                               and corporate partners.                     abled individuals through our
                                        - Dr. Vineet Rana                  collaborative  'Support,
                                   General Manager, National Handicapped   Activate  and  Build  Assured
                                 Finance Development Corporation (NHFDC),
                                         DePwD, Govt. of India             Livelihoods' programme.
                                                                               - Shri Jagannath Sahoo
                                                                                 President, SBI Foundation
                              “  This Meet is a significant

                                 step  towards  bringing
                                 a b o u t   a   p r o f o u n d   “ Development opportunities for PwDs
                                                                    need to be curated on high priority
                                 attitudinal  shift  in
                                                                    a n d   o n   a   r e g u l a r   b a s i s   fo r
                                 society towards PwDs.              conspicuous  results.  We  need  to
                                     - Dr. Raman Gujral  ”          ensure that PwDs get suitably trained
 During the Roundtable Meet for Corporates held in  Mumbai : (Front row , center) Shri Rajendra Nimbalkar,
                                   Director, Department of Projects  a n d   h a n d h e l d   f o r   s m o o t h

 IAS, Managing Director, Maharashtra Small Scale Industries Development Corporation Ltd., Mumbai with   (Corporates), EDII
                                                                    assimilation in the mainstream.
 (R-L) Shri Jagannath Sahoo, President, SBI  Foundation;  Dr. Raman  Gujral, Director, Department of Projects

 (Corporate ), EDII; Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII; Dr. Vineet Rana, General Manager, National   - Dr. Sunil Shukla   ”

 Handicapped Finance Development Corporation, DoPwD, GoI; (extreme L) Mr. Nikhilesh Desai, Advisor-  Director General, EDII
 Business Development, EDII and representatives from corporates.
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