Page 12 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 12


                Kirtika Chetia                                 Reshmi Banerjee
                Ph.D.(Marketing)                               Ph.D.
                BBA                                            (Women Entrepreneurs)
                                 MBA – Finance

                Dr.  Chhetia  has  8  years  of  experience  of   Dr.  Reshmi  Banerjee  has  more  than  15
                working with startups and various incubators   years  of  academic  and  corporate
                across the country. Her experience of working   experience. While she has served at noted
                in  the  Gujarat  ecosystem  is  also  diverse.    academic  institutions,  her  experience  at
                Marketing strategies, social media strategies   c o r p o r a t e   h o u s e s   s u c h   a s ;
                and product positioning, branding and identity   PricewaterhouseCoopers  has  been  rich
                are  her  key  specialization  areas.  She  has   a n d   d i v e r s e .   H e r   k e y   a r e a s   o f
                previously  held  important  positions  at  the   specialization  are  accounts  and  finance.
                incubators  of  premier  institutes,  including   For three consecutive years, her research
                NDBI  –  NID’s  Business  Incubator,  CEPT     was  recognized  with  the  ‘Best  Paper
                Research  and  Development  Foundation  and    Award’  at  the  International  Conference
                LEAF-GLS University. Visiting faculty at CEPT   hosted  by  Gujarat  Technological
                University, Gujarat University and NIPER, Dr.   University. Her research interest focuses
                Chhetia  has also been associated with MICA    on  women  entrepreneurship.  She  has
                for research related initiatives. Dr. Chhetia has   n u m e ro u s   p a p e r s ,   a n d   re s e a rc h
                published research papers and presented at     publications to her credit.
                various conferences.

                Anju Karna Pandey                             Ritesh Shahi
                Ph.D. (Advertising)                           M. Phil (Management &
                M.Phil (Management)                           Labour Studies)

                Dr. Anju Pandey is an educator and researcher   With  over  two  years  of  work  experience,
                with over 8 years of experience in academia.   TISS  Mumbai  alumnus,  Mr.  Shahi
                Her  key  specialization  areas  are  marketing,   specializes  in  social  innovation  and
                advertising, business statistics, and research   entrepreneurship.  Before  joining  EDII,  he
                m e t h o d o l o g y.   S h e   i s   m a k i n g   r i c h   was  associated  with  noted  names  inthe
                contributions  to  cutting-edge  research  in   academia, such as TISS and IIM Calcutta.
                consumer  behaviour  and  marketing           His  research  focuses  on  theinfluence  of
                effectiveness.  While  her  research  has  been   psychological  traits  of  CEOs  and
                published  in  esteemed  journals  and        e n t re p re n e u r s   o n   o rg a n i z a t i o n a l
                presented  at  international  conferences,  she   performance  and  outcomes.  He  primarily
                has  also  authored  book  chapters  invalued   employs quantitative content analysis in his
                publications.                                 investigations, guided by the Upper Echelon
                                                              T h e o r y.   H e   h a s   s eve r a l   re s e a rc h
                                                              publications and articles to his credit.

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