Page 10 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 10
Sheetal Thomas T. A. Nikita
Ph.D. (Financial Behaviour) C.A.; M.Phil. (Commerce)
MBA (Finance)
Dr. Sheetal Thomas has over 18 years of A teacher in the areas of Accounting, Costing,
experience in academia and research. She is Management Accounting, Taxation and
currently pursuing a Post Doctoral Fellowship Finance. She possesses over 20 years of
at the University of Evora, Portugal, focusing experience in academia and industry.
on financial decision-making. A Ph.D. from Currently pursuing Ph.D. on the topic 'To Study
BITS, Pilani, she has published her research the Acceptance level of Technology in
work in Scopus-indexed journals. Dr. Thomas Personal Finance with reference to different
has authored a reference book and written Demographics and Social - economic factors
several case studies. She has also applied for of Investors in Selected Cities of Gujarat'. At
a patent on method for identifying financial EDII, she is involved in teaching Post Graduate
behavior through handwriting analysis. Her students and in coordinating key National
teaching expertise spans financial accounting level programmes & mentoring research work
and costing for entrepreneurship, behavioral of PGDM-BE students.
finance, and cognitive finance. She has
participated in numerous international
conferences and workshops.
Bishnu Prasad Panda Gopal Kumar Roy
MA ( Economics); LLB B.Tech
MBA (Financial Management ) (Mechanical Engineering)
He possesses over 35 years of experience in An engineer, management consultant,
Micro-Finance, Micro-Enterprise Promotion, startup evangelist and a trainer, Mr. Roy
Livelihood and Cluster Development holds more than 9 years of work experience
Programmes. Has worked extensively with in the MSME, startup and incubation
national and international agencies like the domains. He has provided consulting
Centre for Youth & Social Development services in MSME assignments across
(CYSD), Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), industrial and traditional clusters and has
CARE and Access Development Services on conducted training and capacity building
enhancing the capacities of national-level programs for various stakeholders. His
NGOs, CBOs and BMOs. Also worked as a areas of interest and experience include
Consultant for a World Bank study on pani cluster development, business-plan / DPR
panchayat, SHG and PRI. His areas of preparation, execution and project
specialisations are financial management, management, monitoring & evaluation,
cluster development, livelihood promotion technology transfer, design thinking process,
and enterprise promotion. development of business models and BDS &
market development.