Page 11 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 11


                     Zahoor Ahmad Paray                            Eesha Singh
                     FPM; M.Phil. (Development                     MBA (Management)

                     An academician and researcher with 8 years    Alumna of IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, Ms. Singh has
                     of  experience,  Mr.  Paray's  areas  of      14+ years of experience in Industry, Statutory
                     specialization  include  development          Audit  and  Consultancy,  specializing  in
                     economics,  entrepreneurship  development,    Finance  &  Strategic  decision-making.  Ms.
                     entrepreneurship  finance,  venture  growth,   Singh  has  been  an  integral  part  of  various
                                                                   national and international government events,
                     and  entrepreneurial  marketing.  He  has     including G20 events, as a member of the core
                     participated  in  many  international  and    organizing/hosting committee. Formerly, she
                     national  conferences  and  presented  his    had  been  associated  with  The  Maharaja
                     research. He is widely  published, including 8   Sayajirao University of Baroda and Gati Shakti
                     research  articles  in  Scopus  and  ABDC     Vishwavidyalaya  (GSV),  a  PM  Gati  Shakti
                     indexed journals.                             initiative.  She  has  participated  in  Faculty
                                                                   Development  Programs  conducted  by  IIT-K
                                                                   and IIT-B.

                   Bhaskar Jyoti Saud                             Esrafil Ali
                   Ph.D. &  M.Phil (Zoology)                      Ph.D. (Management)

                   A research and consulting professional with    Dr. Esrafil Ali has over 14 years of experience in
                                                                  academia His research interests focus on HRM,
                   over  19  years  of  experience  in  Livelihood  &   Leadership,  CSR,  Sustainability,  Business
                   Cluster  development,  Entrepreneurship,  Skill   Ethics  and  Entrepreneurship  Education.  His
                   D eve l o p m e n t ,   C l i m a t e   C h a n g e   a n d   scholarly works have appeared in both national
                   Aquaculture  Research,  and  Disaster          and  international,  in  particular,  Journal  of
                   Management.  He  has  worked  with  several    Global Responsibility, Journal of Modelling in
                   Governments, Non-Government organisations      Management, Emerald Emerging Market Case
                   & international agencies as well as regulatory   Studies, Emerging Economies Cases Journal,
                   bodies. He has published 35 manuscripts in     and Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers,
                   indexed journals and books till date.          among others. He is the author of numerous
                                                                  published cases and books. In addition, he is
                                                                  the member of editorial board and reviewer of
                                                                  reputable international journals.

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