Page 5 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 5


                Sunil Shukla                                    Satya Ranjan Acharya
                Director General                                Ph.D. (Economics)
                Ph.D. (Psychology)                              MBA (Finance)

                Dr.  Sunil  Shukla,  possesses  more  than  three   Dr.  Satya  Ranjan  Acharya  is  a  National
                decades  of  experience  in  entrepreneurship   Teacher’s  Awardee  2023.  His  extensive
                d e v e l o p m e n t .   A l o n g s i d e   p i o n e e r i n g   experience  in  teaching  and  consultancy,
                development  models  targeting  corporate       spanning  over  25  years,  underscores  his
                executives,  Start-ups  and  MSMEs,  Dr.  Shukla   deep expertise in financial management, idea
                has also introduced entrepreneurship courses at   generation  and  business  plan  formulation.
                EDII and premier institutions across the country.   He is trained at Startup Accelerators through
                He is the recipient of several notable awards for   MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International
                his  contributions  to  policy  advocacy,  training,   Development  Cooperation  and  in  the
                entrepreneurship  education  and  livelihood    A p p l i c a t i o n   o f   S i m u l a t i o n   f o r
                development, and for extending the frontiers of   Entrepreneurship Teaching at the University
                entrepreneurship, nationally and globally. He is   of  Tennessee,  USA.  He  is  the  Director  of
                editor  of  the  prestigious  ‘Journal  of      CrAdLE, a DST-sponsored incubator and Atal
                Entrepreneurship,’  and  since  2012,  has  been   Incubation Centre at EDII. Dr. Acharya is also
                leading the Indian Chapter of the world’s largest   significantly contributing to mega initiatives
                Annual  Study  on  entrepreneurship  (GEM).  His   like the Student Entrepreneurship Policy and
                extensive  work  in  several  global  regions   Hastakala Setu Yojana of the Government of
                including  South  Asia,  South  East  Asia,  CIS,   Gujarat.
                Middle East, Latin America, Africa, the USA has
                been noteworthy.

                Raman Gujral                                  Amit K. Dwivedi
                Ph.D. (Commerce)                              Ph.D. (Commerce)

                Has around 32 years of experience in the field   Has  over  19  years  of  teaching  and  research
                of  Entrepreneurship  Development  with       experience. He is a National Team Member of the
                expertise  in  new  enterprise  creation  and  in   Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) India. Dr.
                extending support to existing entrepreneurs.   Dwivedi has co-authored nine GEM India reports
                He  has  developed  curriculum,  modules,  and   and a Global Report on Women’s Entrepreneurship
                structures  for  various  entrepreneurship    Report:  From  Crisis  to  Opportunity.  He  has
                development activities and for CSR activities   authored research papers, book chapters, reviews
                of noted corporate. Specialises in the areas of   and  a  textbook.  Dr.  Dwivedi  has  presented  his
                business opportunity identification, Strategy,   research  at  national  and  international
                Inclusive  Growth,  Rural  Development,       conferences in India and abroad. He conducted
                Sustainable  Development  Goals,  and         impact  assessment  and  evaluation  studies  for
                Entrepreneurship  Development.  Widely        various  Government  Departments  and
                travelled in India and worked on prestigious   Development Agencies. Dr. Dwivedi participated
                entrepreneurship-related assignments.         in a Training of  Trainers programme for teaching
                                                              'Business Simulation', organized by ILS, held at the
                                                              University of Tennessee, Texas, USA.

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