Page 9 - EDII Report 126
P. 9

Celebrating the Ideals of
                          Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar
                          The Institute celebrated Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti on April 15th 2024. The
                          event, commemorating the birth anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the architect of
                          the Indian Constitution, was graced by esteemed dignitaries, including Chief Guest Shri
                          Ajay Umat, Group Editor, Ahmedabad Mirror & NavGujarat Samay (Shayona Times Pvt.
                          Ltd.) and Guest of Honour, Prof. Milind Vishwas, Founder, Tathagat Foundation.
                           Seen during the occasion are (Centre) Chief Guest, Shri Ajay Umat, Group Editor Ahmedabad
                           Mirror & Navgujarat Samay (Shayona Times Pvt Ltd.); (L) Guest of Honour, Prof. Milind Vishwas,
                           Founder  Tathagat  Founda on  and  (R)  Dr.  Satya  Ranjan  Acharya,  Director,  Dept.  of
                           Entrepreneurship Educa on-EDII.
                                    There were insightful discussions on various landmarks from Dr. Ambedkar's
                                    life.  Various  perceptions  came  to  the  fore  and  learnings  were  drawn.
                                    Applauding the monumental contributions of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Shri
                                    Ajay Umat said, “As we commemorate Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's legacy
                                    each  year,  we  honor  a  visionary  whose  contributions  spanned  across
                                    equality, fraternity and liberty in all sections and sectors of Indian society. His
                                    progressive  teachings  resonate  profoundly  as  we  strive  for  an  inclusive
                                    society  and  equitable  society.  Several  policies  and  even  Government
                                    Departments  /  Ministries  that  exist  today  for  development  of  society,
                                    women and other needy groups is because of Dr. Ambedkar. Let us continue
                                    to forge ahead in our pursuit of equitable opportunities for all.”
                                     Prof. Milind Vishwas emphasised on the need of uplifting sections of society
                                     and said, "Empowering the underprivileged isn't just a moral imperative; it's
                                     an investment in our collective future. When we uplift those on the margins,
                                     we unlock their potential to drive innovation, foster economic growth, and
                                     build  a  more  equitable  society.  Let's  strive  for  empowerment  that
                                     transcends  barriers,  creating  a  world  where  every  individual  has  the
                                     opportunity to thrive."
                          Celebrating the Ideals of                                                 9
                          Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar
                          The Institute celebrated Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti on April 15th 2024. The
                          event, commemorating the birth anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the architect of
                          the Indian Constitution, was graced by esteemed dignitaries, including Chief Guest Shri
                          Ajay Umat, Group Editor, Ahmedabad Mirror & NavGujarat Samay (Shayona Times Pvt.
                          Ltd.) and Guest of Honour, Prof. Milind Vishwas, Founder, Tathagat Foundation.

                           Seen during the occasion were (Centre) Chief Guest, Shri Ajay Umat, Group Editor Ahmedabad
                           Mirror & Navgujarat Samay (Shayona Times Pvt Ltd.); (L) Guest of Honour, Prof. Milind Vishwas,
                           Founder  Tathagat  Founda on  and  (R)  Dr.  Satya  Ranjan  Acharya,  Director,  Dept.  of
                           Entrepreneurship Educa on-EDII.

                   There  were  insightful  discussions  on  various  landmarks  from  Dr.  Ambedkar's  life.  Various
                   perceptions  came  to  the  fore  and  learnings  were  drawn.  Applauding  the  monumental
                   contributions  of  Dr.  Babasaheb  Ambedkar,  Shri  Ajay  Umat  said,  “As  we  commemorate  Dr.
                   Babasaheb Ambedkar's legacy each year, we honor a visionary whose contributions spanned
                   across equality, fraternity and liberty in all sections and sectors of Indian society. His progressive
                   teachings resonate profoundly as we strive for an inclusive society and equitable society. Several
                   policies and even Government Departments / Ministries that exist today for development of
                   society, women and other needy groups is because of Dr. Ambedkar. Let us continue to forge
                   ahead in our pursuit of equitable opportunities for all.”

                   Prof.  Milind  Vishwas  emphasised  on  the  need  of  uplifting  sections  of  society  and  said,
                   "Empowering  the  underprivileged  isn't  just  a  moral  imperative;  it's  an  investment  in  our
                   collective future. When we uplift those on the margins, we unlock their potential to drive
                   innovation,  foster  economic  growth,  and  build  a  more  equitable  society.  Let's  strive  for
                   empowerment  that  transcends  barriers,  creating  a  world  where  every  individual  has  the
                   opportunity to thrive."

                   Dr. Satya Ranjan Acharya, Director, Dept. of Entrepreneurship Education, EDII said, “Empowering
                   marginalized communities through entrepreneurship is not just about creating businesses; it's
                   about fostering a culture of self-reliance and dignity. At EDII, we're committed to nurturing
                   entrepreneurial  spirit  among  all  sections  of  society,  paving  the  way  for  inclusive  economic
                   growth and social upliftment.”
                                                                                      contd... on page no. 22
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