Page 13 - EDII Report 126
P. 13
Revitalizing Innovation for Sustainable Enterprises
... Project RISE, supported by IDBI Bank Ltd.
Entrepreneurship is about converting an idea into a viable business. And, innovation plays
a big role in creating profitable and sustainable enterprises. The project Revitalizing
Innovation for Sustainable Enterprises (RISE), supported by IDBI Bank Ltd. is a novel
initiative that ensure tech-based skill development to ensure livelihood creation and
sustainable micro-enterprises. The project is being implemented to improve the economic
conditions of rural and peri-urban populace in and around the regions of Dehradun
(Uttarakhand), Kamrup (Assam) and Kashipur (Odisha). Dr. Raman Gujral is the Project
Over the last two months, some significant activities undertaken under project RISE:
• Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme: An Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme
was organized at Champajodi Village, Renga, Kashipur (Odisha) on April 4 , 2024. 56
programme participants learnt about the crucial aspects of entrepreneurship and
explored the locally available opportunities, such as; millets and the millet value-added
products. The participants also learnt about various schemes and funds that they could
benefit from. The Project Coordinator, Mr. Tarini Charan, interacted extensively with the
participants on scope and sustainability of Millet Products, current trends, market
demands and innovative business ideas.
Participants of the Technology Based Enterprise Development Programme in Pairanga,
Kamrup, Assam.
• Technology-based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP): In April, 4
TEDPs were completed in Dehradun (1) on millet value added products; Kamrup (2) on
Handloom and in Kashipur (1) on Millet value added products. Details of batches are
given below: The participants at Dehradun and Kashipur, the beneficiaries were
trained on making innovative products using sorghum, amaranth and barnyard
millets. Simultaneously they were equipped with knowledge on meeting compliances
for setting up their enterprise, government schemes, special competencies that an
entrepreneur must possess, marketing and networking techniques etc. In Kashipur,
the beneficiaries also put up a stall in the local haat as a part of market exposure. The
feedback they received from customers helped them improve the existing products
and also add some more. In Kamrup, the beneficiaries learnt how to make stoles, Kurti,
table runners, handloom panels, and cushion covers using Jacquard Handloom
Technology. This was a big leap for them as had only been manufacturing Gamosa and
Methla Chaddar till this time.