Page 11 - EDII Report 126
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Surat Sadeli Craft: A fine woodcraft tradition dating back to the 19th century, Sadeli
Craft showcases intricate patterns assembled from various materials, a testament to
the Petigara families' mastery in Surat City.
Craft Spotlight: Celebrating Gujarat's Artisanal Traditions
the Banaskantha and Kutch regions, Soof
testament to Gujarat's floral heritage, Sodagari
Embroidery is renowned for its geometric
Block Print continues to captivate with its
delicate patterns engraved on teak wood
count-based reverse embroidery
Bharuch Sujani Weaving:
blocks, a cherished tradition upheld by skilled
technique, reflecting the cultural heritage
With its roots tracing
of the Meghwal and Maaru communities.
artisans of the Chhipa-Muslim communities.
back to the 1860s, Sujani
Weaving from Bharuch
exemplifies intricate
g e o m e t r i c d e s i g n s
stuffed with cotton
clouds, preserving the
legacy of the Sujniwalas,
Chistiyas, and Miya
Mustafa's family.
Craft Spotlight: Celebrating Gujarat's Artisanal Traditions
• Gujarat Soof Embroidery: Originating from the Banaskantha and Kutch regions,
Soof Embroidery is renowned for its geometric count-based reverse embroidery
technique, reflecting the cultural heritage of the Meghwal and Maaru communities.
O u t o f t h e 5 2
economies surveyed,
India stands 4th on
the parameter of
ro b u st Nat io n a l
Shri B K Singhal opined, “Traditional art and craftsmanship is our heritage, and needs to 3 Gujarat Soof Embroidery: Originating from Ahmedabad Sodagari Block Print: A
be nurtured and recognized. I am happy that 4 more unique crafts have been granted GI
tag under the aegis of EDII. The project Hastkala and the GI tagging is a testimony to the
fact that Gujarat's traditional art has a strong market and preference. Given NABARD's
commitment to promoting small-scale industries, cottage and village industries,
handicrafts, and other rural crafts, I am particularly delighted with this development.”
Shri Kartikeya V. Sarabhai expressed, “India is rich in the diversity of its craft traditions
preserved over generations by artisans. Each tradition closely relates to the natural
environment within which these crafts have evolved. GI tagging gives them both
protection and recognition and opens up new markets without fear of unauthorized
imitations. I am sure this development will create new avenues for strengthening the
crafts and encouraging entrepreneurs from among the artisans to excel worldwide.”
Elaborating on EDII's role as an implementing agency of the Project, Dr. Sunil Shukla said,
“EDII is handholding entrepreneurs, under the Hast Kala Yojana Project, to enhance their
skills & knowledge, give them newer markets and promote ease of reaching out to
customers. Today, they are making innovative, marketable products with high demand,
and are gaining visibility. GI tagging is a great step towards giving recognition to their
unique crafts. ”
Dr. Satya Ranjan Acharya, Director, Dept. of Entrepreneurship Education, EDII expressed
heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed dignitaries and the artisans, acknowledging their
pivotal role in securing the GI tags. He emphasized the importance of collective efforts in
preserving Gujarat's rich craft heritage and thanked everyone for their continued
support and dedication to this cause.
About GI Tagging Craft Spotlight: Celebrating Gujarat's Artisanal Traditions
The GI tag serves as a • Gujarat Soof Embroidery: Originating from the Banaskantha
hallmark of authenticity and Kutch regions, Soof Embroidery is renowned for its
and quality, protecting geometric count-based reverse embroidery technique,
products with unique reflecting the cultural heritage of the Meghwal and Maaru
characteristics originating communities.
from specific geographical
areas. It not only enhances • Ahmedabad Sodagari Block Print: A testament to Gujarat's
market recognition but floral heritage, Sodagari Block Print continues to captivate
also fosters economic with its delicate patterns engraved on teak wood blocks, a
growth by preventing cherished tradition upheld by skilled artisans of the Chhipa-
unauthorized usage and Muslim communities.
promoting responsible
consumption. • Surat Sadeli Craft: A fine woodcraft tradition dating back to
the 19th century, Sadeli Craft showcases intricate patterns
Through the Hastakala assembled from various materials, a testament to the
S e t u Y o j a n a , E D I I Petigara families' mastery in Surat City.
continues to empower
communities, preserve • Bharuch Sujani Weaving: With its roots tracing back to the
traditions, and pave the 1860s, Sujani Weaving from Bharuch exemplifies intricate
way for a sustainable geometric designs stuffed with cotton clouds, preserving the
future. legacy of the Sujniwalas, Chistiyas, and Miya Mustafa's family.