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EDII's CSR Collaborations drives
Economic Growth
EDII's focus on social entrepreneurship and CSR partnerships ensures inclusive growth for
communities. By recognizing opportunities and offering training programs, the institute
empowers artisans, women, youth, underprivileged and differently abled to create
sustainable livelihoods and micro-enterprises. This collaborative effort between EDII and
corporates is driving positive change and tangible results.
Some of the notable corporate alliances are Vedanta Alumina Limited (VAL), Accenture,
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), HSBC Bank, Tata Communications Ltd., TATA Power,
Xiaomi India, Utkal Alumina Industry Ltd., KONE Elevators, SBI Foundation, ICICI
Foundation, Standard Chartered, Adani Foundation, Reliance Foundation, ONGC, NTPC,
IDBI Bank Ltd. and IFCI Social Foundation, among others. These collaborations have had a
tangible impact, reaching out to about 92,400+ individuals across 23 states, 138 districts,
and 741 villages.
According to Dr. Raman Gujral, Director, Dept of Projects (Corporates), “Through projects
under corporate CSR, the Institute aims at enhancing skill and entrepreneurship levels of
beneficiaries, thus grooming them to make a mark as an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur.
The beneficiaries have shown exceptional growth in their career graph.”
Empowering Individuals through Skill Training
...Project SPARK, supported by Xiaomi
Skill training in tune with the market requirements, is
important to trailblaze in the world or business or
employment. Given the rising emphasis on improving
the skill levels of youths, Project SPARK is aimed at
empowering more than 600 students from ITI and
diploma colleges in Mumbai, Pune and Bengaluru by
providing skill development and entrepreneurship
training in Mobile and TV repair. Initiating 17 Skill
Development Programs (SDPs) and successfully
completing 14 SDPs across three districts, the
initiative has so far reached out to 439 students from
ITI and diploma colleges. Alongside skill training, the
beneficiaries were also imparted learning on setting
up their own business in the area. As a result, more
than 50 enterprises have so far got established by
participants in Mumbai, Pune, and Bengaluru. Students of Jaihind college,
Several others are in the process of setting up. The Junnar, Pune practising technical
project has thus enhanced employability skills and at skills, using the toolkit provided
the same time led to new enterprise creation. Dr. by EDII.
Raman Gujral is the Project Director.