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EDII REPORTS 121                                                                                                                                                                         EDII REPORTS 121

                      Sports (Government of Gujarat) inaugurated the startup exhibi on and interacted with them                       On 2nd Feb, 10 officials of Directorate of Employment & Training, Patna, Bihar visited CrAdLE and
                      about their ground-breaking products and innova ons. Out of the 4 winners of Startup Award                      interacted with the team to understand the func oning of the Technology Business Incubator and
                      2023, CrAdLE incubated startup, Redicine Medsol, was also awarded.                                              how it engages with various stakeholders in the ecosystem.

                      Industry leaders of the like of Mr. Lou Van Noorden, Senior Expert, PUM (Programma Uitzending
                                                                                                                                       Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skills, Attitude and
                      Managers)  Netherlands,  and  Mr.  Mihir  Joshi,  President,  GVFL,  delivered  inputs  on  topics,
                                                                                                                                       Behaviour Development
                      like; Virtual Management Systems (VMS), valua on, startup sustainability, and similar areas.
                      Par cipants also learnt from the stories of successful entrepreneurs and industry experts during
                      panel discussions and a fireside chat with eChai Ventures. In The Big Pitch, which was a part of the
                      event, more than 40 startups pitched their innova ve businesses and products to investors. The
                      event  was  a ended  by  500  par cipants  including  students,  startups,  ecosystem  enablers,
                      industry leaders, and government officials from more than 14 countries.

                                                                                                                                        On 15th Feb, 2023 Gandhinagar University organised a 'Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skills,
                                                                                                                                        A tude and Behaviour Development' with the support of IIC. CrAdLE experts conducted a
                                                                                                                                        workshop for around 60 students on the significance of entrepreneurial competencies and
                                                                                                                                        mindset in spo ng viable opportuni es.

                                                                                                                                      A proud moment for EDII…
                                                                                                                                      NeerX,  an  incubatee  of  CrAdLE  gets  featured  in  Forbes  India  30  Under  30  (2023)  in  the
                                                                                                                                      Agritech category.

                                                                                                                                        NEERX,  an  agritech  startup  was  founded
                                                                                                                                        in 2019 with the mission to solve climate
                                                                                                                                        challenges  in  agriculture  and  lessen
                                                                                                                                        the financial burden of farmers. The startup
                                                                                                                                        develops  sensors  called  ‘SHOOL:  Smart
                      In  the  ITEC,  Ministry  of  External  Affairs  supported  programme,  'Promo ng  Innova on  &
                      Entrepreneurship  through  Incuba on'  CrAdLE  Incubated  start-ups,  such  as;  Iota  Diagnos c                  sensor for Hydrology and Land applica on’,
                      Private  Limited,  NowoChat,  Minkoos  Services,  WebEarl  Technologies,  and  Ardent  Sport                      which provides an accurate and real- me
                      demonstrated their innova ve solu ons and discussed in detail their business model and the                        farm  microclimate  informa on  using
                      vicissitudes of their business. Similarly 25 par cipants from Bhutan of New Enterprise Crea on                    dielectric technology.
                      and Skill Upgrada on Programme on Impact Enterprises, gained informa on on the growth of the
                      startup ecosystem in India, the key challenges and the role played by CrAdLE towards ensuring a
                      wholesome start up ecosystem.

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