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REPORTS 113                                                                                                                                                                             REPORTS 113
       EDII                                                                                                                                                                                    EDII

                                                                                                                                                      A glimpse into the product manufactured by
                                                                                                                                                      Mr. Ashish Keshware, Maheshwar Cluster

                   0 year old Mr. Ashish Keshware,                                                                          s k i l l s   a n d   p r o d u c t
                   is a Handloom Manufacturer &                                                                             p h o t o s h o o t   w h i c h
             4Trader  who  runs  a  Handloom                                                                                benefitted  him  and  his
             shop & Hotel named 'Hotel Aashray &                                                                            sales started to increase.
             Aashray  Handloom'  near  Maheshwar.                                                                           Post Lockdown, his sales
             He provides employment to other small                                                                          increased  upto  70  %
             weavers  as  well.  Several  tourists  and                                                                     through digital marketing.
             celebrities  from  various  fields  (i.e.                                                                      He  also  attended  the
             Bollywood, Sports, Politics and Social                                                                         exhibition  “Shrungar
             Work)  come  to  his  shop  to  purchase                                                                       Exhibition”  through
             Maheshwari  Sarees  and  other                                                                                 sponsorship  of  EDII  –
             Handloom Material.                                                                                             HMI:  at Vapi Gujarat and
             Ashish visited EDII-HMI project office in                                                                      sold  Maheshwari  Saree
             June  2020  as  part  of  Udyog  Aadhar                                                                        worth Rs. 59000. Also, he
             Registration  drive  and  came  to  know                                                                       received  order  of  Rs.
             about  the  project  in  details.  He  had                                                                     24000/- from a wholesale
             since long been wanting to learn Digital                                                                       buyer  and  established
             Marketing  for  the  promotion  of  his                                                                        contacts with 6 wholesale
                                                                                                                            b u y e r s   f r o m   t h i s
             products.  So  with  this  mandate,  he
             attended the Digital Marketing- Social                                                                         exhibition.  Mr.  Ashish
             Media  Marketing  workshops.  The                                                                              Keshware  expressed  his
             workshop  proved  beneficial  to  him.                                                                         thanks  and  gratitude  to
             Even before this training , he was into   Digital  Marketing.  He  also  got  exposed  to  several             EDII-HMI  Porject  for
             social  media  marketing  but  was  not   other  social  media  platforms  like  WhatsApp                      t r a i n i n g   h i m   a n d
             getting  results,  but  this  training   Business, Facebook Page & Paid Posts, Spark post,                     e x p a n d i n g   h i s
             completely  altered  his  level  of   Instagram, YouTube videos, Google Maps & Google                          u n d e r s t a n d i n g   o n
             understanding  as  he    learnt  about   My  Business,  Weebly  Websites  &  InstaMozo                         b u s i n e s s   a n d   t h e
             using various apps and filters useful in   Payment links. Also, he got trained in photography                  contemporary  ways  and
                                                                                                                            means  that  can  be

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