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REPORTS 113                                                                                                                                                                             REPORTS 113
       EDII                                                                                                                                                                                    EDII

                                                                                                                               a n d   l e a r n i n g   o f   b e s t
             Ÿ  Product Photography for                 and expectations from weavers in terms of products,                    practices.    Weavers  got
               Surendranagar Artisans.                  pricing,  quality,  etc.  and  also  to  establish  amiable            exposed  to  creativity  and
                                                        relationship between the traders and weavers as also                   w a y s   t o   i m p r o v e   t h e
                As  a  part  of  business  development
                                                        to facilitate trade. An interaction between the traders                productivity and craft.
               intervention,  product  photography  was
                                                        and weavers proved beneficial in understanding the
               done  for  publicizing  the  products  at  a                                                                 Ÿ Awareness Session on           Bhuj Weaver seen during an exhibition in Mysore.
                                                        demands and requirements from both the ends.
               large  scale,  thus  ensuring  that  the                                                                        Handloom Mark
               consumers find it appealing. This initiative     The artisans of Surendranagar, Bhuj and Maheshwar
                                                                                                                               An intervention on Handloom
               would help the weavers in developing E-  Clusters  participated  in  the  offline  exhibitions  in
                                                                                                                               mark  was  conducted  to
               catalogue as well as Printed catalogue.    different  cities  as  a  part  of  Market  linkage
                                                                                                                               explain  to  the  weavers  the
               The uniqueness of this measure rests in   interventions. The weavers received good response
                                                                                                                               importance  and  benefits  of
               the  weavers'  stories  that  precede  the   in  the  exhibitions,  resulting  in  good  orders.  The
                                                                                                                               having a Handloom Mark. The
               products' details. The skillsets explained   weavers had been trained to use digital modes for
                                                                                                                               weavers were informed as to
               convinces the customers better           online transactions and were also provided with soft
                                                                                                                               how  such  initiatives  could
                                                        skills training for attending to customers and handling
             Ÿ Workshop  on  Product  Development                                                                              i m p r o v e   t h e i r   p r i c e
               and Design Intervention                                                                                         negotiation  in  the  local  and
                                                        Exposure visit and Market Study tour was conducted                     international  market.  The
                The  workshop  was  conducted  in  the
                                                        through  the  Cluster  offices  to  help  beneficiaries                participants  were  explained
               Kamrup cluster in Assam where selected
                                                        receive  information  regarding  various  handloom                     about  the  logo  and  patent
               weavers  were  trained  to  weave  diverse
                                                        markets,  working  techniques  and  to  get  in-depth                  using various examples. The   Market study tour for Jacqaurd Technology
               products  with  improved  quality  to  meet
                                                        knowledge about diverse crafts. The exposure visit                     process  of  getting  the
               the  market  requirements.  Now,  the
                                                        provided the weavers an opportunity for exchange                       Handloom mark, documents
               weavers in this cluster are able to produce
                                                                                                                               required  and  application
               some  of  the  finest  quality  furnishing
                                                                                                                               process were also explained.
               materials  such  as  cushion  covers,
               curtains, table runners, mats etc.                                                                           O t h e r   o u t c o m e   b a s e d
                                                                                                                            interventions that were taken up,
             Ÿ Market Linkage Intervention
                                                                                                                            included  design  development,
                As a part of Market Linkage Intervention, A                                                                 productivity  improvement,
               Buyer  Seller  Meet  was  organised  in                                                                      natural  dyeing,  fabric  quality
               Surendranagar  and  Salem  Clusters  to                                                                      c h e c k ,   h a n d l o o m   m a r k ,
               discuss the potential market and to sell                                                                     e n t e r p r i s e   d e v e l o p m e n t ,
               the handloom products from the Cluster.                                                                      capacity  building,  udhyam
               The meet was organised to understand                                                                         registration, credit management,
               market  trends,  consumers'  preferences,                                                                    social  media  marketing  and
                                                     Buyer Seller Meet at Surendranagar Cluster
                                                                                                                            digital marketing.
                                                                                                                                                             Design intervention held at Bargarh Cluster

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