Page 44 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 44
Department of Developing Economy Engagement
Sr. Ac vity Loca on Dura on Target Group Objec ves & Outcome
Namibia, Bhutan, Officials/
To explore possibili es of se ng up Ghana, Entrepreneurs/ Promo ng entrepreneurship and acquain ng
5.1 2-3 Years beneficiaries and entrepreneurship
EDCs/collabora ons in select countries Ivory Coast, Ins tu ons/
Mauri us Universi es development ins tu ons in select countries
Interna onal
Professionals To develop a cadre of hard core professionals
ITEC-Entrepreneurship and Small
5.2 EDII Campus 3 Weeks engaged in Small who will work for the promo on of economic
Business Promo on
Business ac vi es in developing countries
Promo on
Poten al/exis ng
ITEC-Empowering Women through Entrepreneurs To devise techniques to enhance leadership
5.3 EDII Campus 3 Weeks
Entrepreneurship Development from various and managerial capabili es within women
Representa ves of
organiza ons To develop professionals who will be able to
ITEC-Cluster Development
5.4 EDII Campus 3 Weeks working in implement Cluster Development Programme
Execu ve Programme
MSME/SME in their respec ve countries successfully
Poten al/exis ng
ITEC-Entrepreneurship Educa on, Entrepreneurs To enable professionals to formulate innova ve
5.5 Knowledge Management and EDII Campus 3 Weeks from various and need-based entrepreneurship educa on
Policy Research developing & development policies
Managers of SMEs Develop entrepreneurial capacity among middle
and Entrepreneurs
5.6 ITEC-Entrepreneurial Management EDII Campus 3 Weeks level managers and officials so that they can
from developing act entrepreneurially in their firms
interested to
start and
expand their Enhanced understanding about the business
Organising Interna onal conferences/ 2 days export business situa on in the different countries of East Africa
summits/ workshops/ seminars on the EDII Campus/
5.7 (4 Programmes in different and encourage the par cipants to explore
themes relevant to Virtual in a year) countries in further possibili es of export opportuni es
Developing economies
Africa / in these countries
UAE etc.