Page 40 - Programme Calendar 2024-25
P. 40
Department of Business Development Services and National Outreach
Sr. Ac vity Loca on Dura on Target Group Objec ves & Outcome
Project Management Consultant (PMC) Se ng up industrial & social infrastructure for
4.1 for SIDBI Cluster Development Fund PAN India 2 Years MSME Clusters Cluster development & MSMEs
(SCDF) Project
To provide TA support to ar san clusters in
4.2 SFURTI- Technical Agency PAN India 1.5 Years Ar sanal clusters
se ng up Common Facility Centres (CFCs)
To provide NA support to ar san clusters in
4.3 SFURTI-Nodal Agency PAN India 1.5 Years Ar sanal clusters
se ng up Common Facility Centres (CFCs)
A Scheme for Promo on of Innova on, Poten al
4.4 Rural Industries and Entrepreneurship PAN India 5 Years Entrepreneurs To set up Livelihood Business Incubators
Entrepreneurship Skill Development Poten al For Entrepreneurship promo on and
4.5 PAN India 1 Year
Programmes (ESDP) Entrepreneurs enterprise development
MSME Clusters/ To provide Project Management Unit (PMU)
4.6 Mini Clusters Gujarat 1.5 Year
SPVs support in se ng up CFCs for clusters in Gujarat
Micro and Small Enterprises-Cluster MSME Clusters/
4.7 Gujarat, Kerala 1.5 years To provide IA support in se ng up CFCs
Development Programme (MSE-CDP) SPVs
Cluster Development Execu ves professionals To train the professionals on nuances of cluster
4.8 PAN India 1 week
(CDE) Training programme working in development approach
Outreach programme for Alumni MSMEs/
4.9 PAN India 1-2 days To sensi se alumni on industry specific issues
& Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs
MSME Clusters/ To provide PMC support in preparing
4.10 MSE-CDP - Kerala Kerala 1.5 years
SPVs DPRs/se ng up CFCs
Kerala Development and Innova on
4.11 Kerala 2 years Clusters Benchmarking and Innova on in clusters
Strategy Council (K-DISC)
To iden fy suitable model for enterprise
4.12 Capacity Building of Govt Officials Kerala 5 days Govt Officers
crea on in Kerala
Projects in Energy & Sustainability MSME Clusters/ To create energy efficient and sustainable
4.13 PAN India 1 year
domain Corporates MSMEs
To provide MSMEs, Start-ups and
MSME/ Entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase
4.14 MSME Summit/Conference New Delhi 1 year Start-ups/ their business case and best prac ces
Entrepreneurs adopted for product innova on and
Developing specialized managerial skills and
industry-specific leadership competencies
Sector-specific Management MSME/
4.15 PAN India 1 year through Sector-Specific MDPs to enhance
Development Programmes (MDP) Associa ons
organiza onal effec veness and performance
in targeted sectors